BraLoD said:
Cerebralbore101 said:
Well, I thought the level design was kind of annoying. There were a lot of impassable bushes and brush, that it looked like you could go through, but served as invisible walls. Because of this it was difficult to find the edges of the level. Opening drawers, and cupboards for supplies was slow and tedious. The game wanted you to find collectibles, but did a lot of things to frustrate your hunt for them. Once you passed certain areas of a level a cutscene would trigger, or some other mechanic would keep you from backtracking. You really had little way of knowing when you passed the point of no return in a level. Add in the lack of the ability to hard save your game at any point, and you have a recipe for being locked out of finding collectibles in a level once you missed them.
I thought the story was great, but not insanely amazing ala TLoU1 or GoW. There were a lot of unskippable "walk slowly next to your companion" moments that served as unskippable cutscenes. The story did have it's highs, such as the space scene, and final return to the aquarium, and the theater fight. The beach fight felt tacked on though, unneeded, and anticlimactic.
Overall, I'd give it an 8.5. Thought it was a great game, but far from a masterpiece.
I agree with DonFerrari here, there was only one time I got into a place and couldn't come back before checking all I wanted, and even then I knew it was going to happen but wanted to try it anyway xD
For me there is nothing that keeps this game from being a masterpiece, it's a solid 10.
But I agree, even as it's better than TLoU in every aspect, I still hold TLoU in a higher regard.
I did wonder for a bit if I could put 2 over 1, it was not easy to pick 1 over 2 when everything is better on 2, but it was still easier to accept I liked 1 more than 2 than when I settled 1 was better than GoW4.
As soon as I finished GoW4 I was VERY inclined to pick it over TLoU, then I went to play it again (TLoU) and I settled for it. I had to play it again to settle for it being better than GoW4.
Both TLoU2 and GoW4 suffer from a very small thing (that is not an actual issue) that TLoU does not: On both games as soon as I finished I could think of a thing that would make those games (TLoU2 and GoW4) even better (spending some to actually explore Jackson and get morr back story before the actual plot started for TLoU2 and having a different final boss, the one they teased on the end of the game, on GoW4).
When I finished TLoU I couldn't think about a single thing to make it better in any way, all I could do was feel completely amazed and in disbelief of what I had just played.
I think with time, when TLoU2 impressive tech display cools down completely the difference between both will be bigger to me (in favor of TLoU), but what TLoU2 achieved will always be worth of a masterpiece to me, there is nothing else to define it than absolute top tier.