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Forums - Sales Discussion - COMG! Japan Pre-Order Chart

Finally a few points for Skyward Sword. It's still more than 100 days away from release so I guess it's to be expected that it gains slowly, though it feels like it's TOO slowly.

Last edited by Link_Nines.XBC - on 27 March 2021

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Nier is doing pretty well. Last hit for the PS4 in Japan?

Switch owners are too busy hunting monsters , finding imposters and exploring new horizons to preorder many games right now

Let’s take a look at how well MHR did

Pre orders -> Sell FW — Game

Pre order vs Sell FW

1094p ——> 1928p ~ FW ????k —— MHR
935p ——> 1438p ~ FW 1238k —— SSBU
805p ——> 1894p ~ FW 1881k —— ACNH
766p ——> 1444p ~ FW 1365k —— PokeSwSh

1.5-1.8M is very likely opening numbers for Monster Hunter Rise.

NieR took the #1 spot and decided to go on a 3 day streak. Nice.

Around the Network
tbone51 said:

Let’s take a look at how well MHR did

Pre orders -> Sell FW — Game

Pre order vs Sell FW

1094p ——> 1928p ~ FW ????k —— MHR
935p ——> 1438p ~ FW 1238k —— SSBU
805p ——> 1894p ~ FW 1881k —— ACNH
766p ——> 1444p ~ FW 1365k —— PokeSwSh

How does it compare to Monster Hunter World?

Bofferbrauer2 said:
tbone51 said:

Let’s take a look at how well MHR did

Pre orders -> Sell FW — Game

Pre order vs Sell FW

1094p ——> 1928p ~ FW ????k —— MHR
935p ——> 1438p ~ FW 1238k —— SSBU
805p ——> 1894p ~ FW 1881k —— ACNH
766p ——> 1444p ~ FW 1365k —— PokeSwSh

How does it compare to Monster Hunter World?

MHW: 1634 points last day --> xxxx points FW --> 1.245.169 Sales FW Media Create

I could not find any FW points. :(

NieR is on fire. Let's go!!!!!!

NieR's streak ends at 4. It was a good few days,

So by the looks of it, most Japanese PS5 owners play PS4 titles for the most part. Because I very much doubt that all those PS4 games will go into PS4 consoles later on.