Weekly update. Globally cases and deaths are trending down.
In total 3.77 million new cases were reported last week (down from 4.02 million) to a total of 228,377,752
Also another 62,522 more deaths were reported last week (slightly down from 63,565) to a total of 4,692,311

New cases have gone slightly down in Europe, slightly up in the US and deaths are still rising in Europe and USA.
The continents

Asia reported 1.36 million new cases (down from 1.53 million) and 21,388 more deaths (down from 24,451)
North America reported 1.28 million new cases (1.28 million last week) and 19,866 more deaths (slightly up from 18,913)
Europe reported 811K new cases (slightly down from 866K) and 11,643 more deaths (slightly up from 10,913)
South America reported 183K new cases (slightly up from 181K) and 6,080 more deaths (slightly up from 5,398)
Africa reported 123K new cases (down from 142K) and 3,383 more deaths (down from 3,745)
Oceania reported 16.2K new cases (up from 13.6K) and 162 deaths (145 last week)
Corners of the world

USA reported 1.06 million new cases (slightly up from 1.04 million) and 13,697 more deaths (up from 12,082)
India reported 215K new cases (down from 256K) and 2,216 more deaths (slightly up from 2,094)
Iran reported 137K new cases (down from 176K) and 3,056 more deaths (down from 3,831)
Brazil reported 128K new cases (slightly up from 119K) and 3,821 more deaths (up from 3,170)
Japan reported 49.2K new cases (down from 89.2K) and 427 deaths (419 last week)
Canada reported 31.1K new cases (up from 26.9K) and 200 deaths (164 last week)
South Africa reported 28.1K new cases (down from 43.3K) and 1,344 more deaths (1,447 last week)
South Korea reported 12.6K new cases (slightly up from 12.3K) and 41 deaths (40 last week)
Australia reported 12.3K new cases (up from 11.7K) and 65 deaths (44 last week)
Europe in detail

Cases in the Ukraine are going up fast, Denmark and Norway are recovering fast. Most seem to be happy with where they are.
No test results yet. Kid feels better already anyway. Most likely just a cold + school stress + lack of sleep getting back in the rhythm + part drama. While cases are rising in the country (Alberta's healthcare system is buckling under pressure), locally it's still very low.
Edit: Test result came back negative as expected.
Last edited by SvennoJ - on 18 September 2021