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Forums - General Discussion - Coronavirus (COVID-19) Discussion Thread

Spoke, Russia and Brazil look really bad to me based on the numbers I see. USA still bad, but in line.

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Today marks day 14 of no new coronavirus cases for the whole state.
No one is intensive care... Only 4 people with mild symptoms in lockdown in their homes who are recovering.

School is back... And we are starting to export stuff again, businesses are re-opening... And there isn't the "fear" that everyone and thing you see will potentially be a carrier.
Can't wait for the Gym to re-open in the coming days, I will be like a kid in a candy store.

There is still social distancing policies and so forth, but I think that will be kept around for a long time to come yet, but people are going back to work, life is returning to normal.

The "return to normal" phase is happening allot slower than the "lockdown everything" phase which is a good thing, it gives us room to quickly reverse a policy if an issue arises, the overall idea is that we can return to normal provided we keep strict border controls in so we don't import new cases.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--

SpokenTruth said:
Nighthawk117 said:
Spoke, Russia and Brazil look really bad to me based on the numbers I see. USA still bad, but in line.

Case wise, you can add UK, Peru, India and Saudi Arabia.  For deaths, the UK is getting hit hard. They are high on both charts today.

Gotcha Spoke. You da man. You know the numbers !!!

Nighthawk117 said:
sethnintendo said:

Frankly I don't even know why we are focused on vitamin D deficiency.

And when did this become the "Vitamin D" thread?

It's hasn't

It's discuss all things COVID thread (Not just a number tally)

John2290 said:
A global street racing economy! Fuck, I'm a genius.

What about the people who aren't good at racing?

Your plan sounds a bit racingist.

Nov 2016 - NES outsells PS1 (JP)

Don't Play Stationary 4 ever. Switch!

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Pyro as Bill said:
John2290 said:
A global street racing economy! Fuck, I'm a genius.

What about the people who aren't good at racing?

Your plan sounds a bit racingist.

Speaking of racing, Germany is home of the Master r.... actually, I won't go there.

Speaking of Germany and the US,

New York City, the place that Trump said didn't need help from the Federal government, has had 25,000 deaths. For comparison's sake, Germany has had 7000 deaths. If you are from New York, you must understand he fucked you, it's getting close to ten September 11ths worth in human loss. Your attitude toward trump should be never forgive, never forget.

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.

Researchers find new coronavirus strain 'more contagious', potentially impacting COVID-19 vaccine search

A group of leading international researchers have concluded the coronavirus behind the global pandemic has already mutated into a second strain, which appears to have spread faster and wider than the original one, potentially undermining efforts to create a vaccine.

Damn mutations. Only solution is to avoid all people.

Rab said:

Researchers find new coronavirus strain 'more contagious', potentially impacting COVID-19 vaccine search

A group of leading international researchers have concluded the coronavirus behind the global pandemic has already mutated into a second strain, which appears to have spread faster and wider than the original one, potentially undermining efforts to create a vaccine.

"It does become generally more transmissible over time and less severe over time."

Sounds like good news to me.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

White House administration considering disbanding corona task force.

Only thing needed now is for Trump to be flown in on aircraft carrier with mission accomplished sign.

I'm hoping Jarred Kushner is appointed to head of next task force. I mean he did so good with Middle East peace process and everything else he was put in charge of so I have no worries that he can handle this crisis.