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Rare askin some sus questions out here 

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iceland said:

Rare askin some sus questions out here 

The brown one's got some nice plump lips. Imagine that one wrapped around your">"><img src="

shikamaru317 said:
Spade said:

The brown one's got some nice plump lips. Imagine that one wrapped around your

Whoa there Slade. 

Yeah not finishing that  

I did get the toads pre loaded for the 20th!!!!! 

Wonder what news we will be getting this coming week? Price? (LOL), future event, moneyhats? Sundays are always slow :/ Empire popping though!">"><img src="

shikamaru317 said:

We've got to get some kind of Xbox news this week. Insiders were implying that the August stuff would be spread out across multiple announcements. Assuming that Lockhart reveal and S/X pricing and preorders will be done in a single event the last week of the month, then the Gamepass 3rd party deal announcement and the announcement on whatever is going on with 12 months of Gold being removed recently (free multiplayer, 12 months coming back with some kind of Gamepass/Gold bundle, etc.) coming sometime before then, hopefully this week rather than next week.

Is there a Sony event that is happening the 20th? Thought I saw that on twitter, might be complete BS. Really hope we get an Xbox August event :/">"><img src="

Spade said:
shikamaru317 said:

Whoa there Slade. 

Yeah not finishing that  

Name of your sex tape

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Angelus said:
Spade said:

Yeah not finishing that  

Name of your sex tape

Jokes on you Angie. Can't finish something if you never started... self roast">"><img src="

I'm starting to think that MS will announce Lockhart and pricing during Gamescom instead of having their own dedicated event


Spade said:
shikamaru317 said:

Whoa there Slade. 

Yeah not finishing that  

I did get the toads pre loaded for the 20th!!!!! 

Wonder what news we will be getting this coming week? Price? (LOL), future event, moneyhats? Sundays are always slow :/ Empire popping though!

Did they confirm an easy mode or you feeling adventurous? 

And I so hope for an Xbox event but think that was debunked? Thought I remember someone saying only trickles of news throughout the month. Hope I’m wrong 

Ryuu96 said:

Real? Fake? Looks pretty well done for a fake.

Looks real. Series S name confirmed if so

MS need to open Design lab for the new controllers now!! I’m ready 

Ryuu96 said:
I'm pretty sure one of the insiders said Microsoft isn't having an August event like they had in July, it'll just be random news drops across the month and taking part in Gamescom at the end.

Okay so I’m not crazy xD Disappointing but as long as they reveal the Initiatives game I’ll be okay lol