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I like that episode rollout for Tell Me Why. Hopefully its better than Life Is Strange 2. That game got boring after the .hird episode

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shikamaru317 said:
derpysquirtle64 said:

STALKER 2 is 100% not 2021. Not even close. This game is probably gonna release later than anything else shown at the show. I would bet it's 2023 in best case.

I'm not so sure about that. Digital Foundry believed the trailer was in-game, and if they have in-game footage ready already, while games like Fable and Avowed don't, it must be pretty far along in development. Also, GSC Game World's last game was Cossacks 3 in 2016, so STALKER 2 already has 4 years of development then.

Also, it seems they announced STALKER 2 for 2021 release in 2018:

I think the announced release date of 2021 only backs up my point that the game won't be released in 2021. First of all, GSC is the company which is notorious for not meeting the deadlines. They also haven't actually released any games except Cossacks 3 which is the remake of original one since the first Stalker in 2007. Which at the time was initially planned to release in 2003. I would say it would be good if Stalker 2 releases at all and not fall victim for development hell. I guess it's good that they have MS support this time which will probably help a lot. And the second reason why it's most certainly won't be released in 2021 is that it is the common thing in the modern day video game industry. You can be almost 100% sure that any game will be delayed at least one year after it's initial launch window.

It’s insane how people aren’t talking about this more. Xbox has never had 15 games in development first party. 7 games AAA. All games day 1 Game Pass.

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles. 


The one thing i probably would have done differently was take more time to show next gens crackdown

 "I think people should define the word crap" - Kirby007

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kirby007 said:
The one thing i probably would have done differently was take more time to show next gens crackdown

And use it to demonstrate the powah of teh Cloud!

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Anyone else excited for Echo Generation?


Earthbound being my favorite game of all time making this already one of my most anticipated games. :feelsgood:

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 26 July 2020

Ryuu96 said:

19:45 - Jeff Grubb says he has heard they're getting rid of Xbox Live Gold as a paywall for multiplayer subscriptions on Xbox, he has also heard they're going to make the multiplayer for Halo free.

Yup falls in line with rumors. Free Halo MP brings in several millions beyond purchasing outright. Make money from cosmetic micros. And also a nice work around to GP deal scammers that get one month and unsubscribe after. Can’t abuse if it’s free. 

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles. 


Free Halo is so dumb when there is gamepass.

Getting rid of Gold is good. Hard pass to the rest. They already butchered Halo 5 chasing the CoD dream. Are they that stupid to chase the next gaming trend? Just make a damn Halo game, that's all people want.

Shaunodon said:

Getting rid of Gold is good. Hard pass to the rest. They already butchered Halo 5 chasing the CoD dream. Are they that stupid to chase the next gaming trend? Just make a damn Halo game, that's all people want.

You’re talking about Reach, chief.

H5 is nowhere close to being a copy of COD gameplay. That’s arena shooter done different, like every evolving medium.