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Shaunodon said:
Ryuu96 said:
Holiday 2022 - Avowed
Holiday 2023 - Fable
Holiday 2025 - InXile's RPG.

Man I can't wait for the RPG blitz, lets get one more in development for 2024 and we could have one every year.

Mistwalker RPG Phil pls.

Give this man a medal">"><img src="

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iceland said:
Spade said:

I'm takin' the role of 2013 Ryuu. 

You gunna post in other threads on accident then or what

Already did. Posted a Phil gif in another thread. Imma come for you like that other dude did. Better fall back pimp.">"><img src="

Shaunodon said:
Ryuu96 said:
Holiday 2022 - Avowed
Holiday 2023 - Fable
Holiday 2025 - InXile's RPG.

Man I can't wait for the RPG blitz, lets get one more in development for 2024 and we could have one every year.

Mistwalker RPG Phil pls.

Mistwalker were 15 employees team back in 2017 according to Wikipedia. Maybe even less than that right now. Looks like they are struggling to even release mobile games right now so this one has around zero chance of happening unfortunately. 

Angelus said:
Ryuu96 said:
Holiday 2022 - Avowed
Holiday 2023 - Fable
Holiday 2025 - InXile's RPG.

Man I can't wait for the RPG blitz, lets get one more in development for 2024 and we could have one every year.

Chances are that Obsidian will make an Outer Worlds sequel at some point. I doubt it'll have the same scope as these other games, but that's ok I think. 

I can be wrong but Outer Worlds team will make at least one more DLC after releasing the one that was on Games Showcase before moving on to the next project. 


I think Forza is 2021. No way Microsoft skips the first year of a generation without a Forza.
Forza, Everwild, Psychonauts, maybe battletoads and some moneyhatted timed exclusives should be first year games.

shikamaru317 said:
Ryuu96 said:
Holiday 2022 - Avowed
Holiday 2023 - Fable
Holiday 2025 - InXile's RPG.

Man I can't wait for the RPG blitz, lets get one more in development for 2024 and we could have one every year.

That line-up sounds amazing. My only concern is that 2021 doesn't seem to have any big games currently, while Sony has said they are trying to get Horizon 2 ready for 2021 (with a chance it may slip into 2022), and also have the moneyhatted Ghostwire Tokyo for 2021 and probably Demon's Souls remake as well (has been in development since 2018 already and is a remake, so there is less work that needs to be done than making a from the ground up game). Avowed, Fable, Forza Motorsport reboot, State of Decay 3, inXile AAA RPG, The Initiative AAA, and possibly even Everwild might all be 2022 or later games. Forza Horizon 5 is probably 2021, but would be nice if MS had something besides that, a big exclusive in another genre like RPG, story driven action-adventure, or shooter. I really hope that Xbox Global Publishing is saving some big 2021 AAA for the 2nd show later this year. If not, MS needs to moneyhat a AAA 3rd party exclusive for 2021 like Sony did with Ghostwire Tokyo. They can't allow themselves to have a year with mainly small fry exclusives, the early years of a gen are often crucial for sales success. 

I won't be surprised if 2021 would end up to be the year to work on backlog for everyone. The COVID situation is gonna have a huge impact on game development so I truly expect almost every game that was intended for 2021 release to move into 2022.


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While 2022 will be the start of Xbox 1st party greatness (aside from this year which is low key pretty big on games), 2021 should be fine. Forza Horizon 5 should be be holiday jewel, with an extra year it’s gonna be polished so well. Halo Infinite DLC, Psychonauts 2, Flight SIM if it isn’t a launch title. Age of Empires 4. Probably XGS publishing gonna pull a rabbit out of their butt lol

Btw I don’t count Grounded as this year as it’s early access. It’ll get a full release in 2021. Tell Me Why Episode 2-3, Everwild might make the cut too. It’s not the most technically demanding game so once they have a winning gameplay formula I can see it making it 2021. 

Thats 5-9 games by my count. Probably gonna rely on a 3rd party moneyhat too. 

Last edited by sales2099 - on 26 July 2020

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles. 


Ryuu96 said:
shikamaru317 said:

That line-up sounds amazing. My only concern is that 2021 doesn't seem to have any big games currently, while Sony has said they are trying to get Horizon 2 ready for 2021 (with a chance it may slip into 2022), and also have the moneyhatted Ghostwire Tokyo for 2021 and probably Demon's Souls remake as well (has been in development since 2018 already and is a remake, so there is less work that needs to be done than making a from the ground up game). Avowed, Fable, Forza Motorsport reboot, State of Decay 3, inXile AAA RPG, The Initiative AAA, and possibly even Everwild might all be 2022 or later games. Forza Horizon 5 is probably 2021, but would be nice if MS had something besides that, a big exclusive in another genre like RPG, story driven action-adventure, or shooter. I really hope that Xbox Global Publishing is saving some big 2021 AAA for the 2nd show later this year. If not, MS needs to moneyhat a AAA 3rd party exclusive for 2021 like Sony did with Ghostwire Tokyo. They can't allow themselves to have a year with mainly small fry exclusives, the early years of a gen are often crucial for sales success. 

Agreed, I'm worried slightly about 2021, I only see XGP as the viable candidates for releasing major titles in 2021 but they've disappointed me slightly so far, they should be doing a lot more Imo.

jason1637 said:
I think Forza is 2021. No way Microsoft skips the first year of a generation without a Forza.
Forza, Everwild, Psychonauts, maybe battletoads and some moneyhatted timed exclusives should be first year games.

Everwild still seems really early in development, Battletoads will release this year, it has already been rated.

Surely a Forza title could release in 2021 though, whether that is Horizon or Motorsport but they need more.

derpysquirtle64 said:

I won't be surprised if 2021 would end up to be the year to work on backlog for everyone. The COVID situation is gonna have a huge impact on game development so I truly expect almost every game that was intended for 2021 release to move into 2022.

I'd also agree with this though, Phil already said Covid would hurt 2021 more than 2020, especially games that rely on mocap, I do think we'll be seeing 2021 delays into 2022 because of Covid.

sales2099 said:

While 2022 will be the start of Xbox 1st party greatness (aside from this year which is low key pretty big on games), 2021 should be fine. Forza Horizon 5 should be be holiday jewel, with an extra year it’s gonna be polished so well. Halo Infinite DLC, Psychonauts 2, Flight SIM if it isn’t a launch title. Age of Empires 4. Probably XGS publishing gonna pull a rabbit out of their butt lol

Btw I don’t count Grounded as this year as it’s early access. It’ll get a full release in 2021. Tell Me Why Episode 2-3, Everwild might make the cut too. It’s not the most technically demanding game so once they have a winning gameplay formula I can see it making it 2021. 

Thats 5-9 games by my count. Probably gonna rely on a 3rd party moneyhat too. 

Age of Empires IV likely will be PC only, Tell Me Why Ep 2-3 are releasing in August too.

Wait I thought just Ep 1 of Tell Me Why was releasing? All episodes are this year? And I know AoE is PC only, I personally count it as part of the Xbox ecosystem. 

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles. 


Ryuu96 said:


  • Grounded
  • Psychonauts 2
  • Flight Sim Port
  • Forza Title

That's how I see things so far...I don't feel like anything else could make it from the things we know about, unless Microsoft acquires more studios or XGP has a lot of titles in development.

Still think AoE counts but with the * of being Xbox PC only. Every game matters imo even if it’s not on console. 

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles. 


shikamaru317 said:
sales2099 said:

Wait I thought just Ep 1 of Tell Me Why was releasing? All episodes are this year? And I know AoE is PC only, I personally count it as part of the Xbox ecosystem. 

Yep, all of them are this year.

“We listened closely to fans of narrative adventure games, and we heard loud and clear how painful unpredictable gaps between episodes can be,” said Peter Wyse, General Manager for Xbox Games Studios Publishing. “We're thrilled to announce that the entire Tell Me Why story will release in the Summer 2020.”

Ok that’s something I guess. Wonder how we gonna do the Metacritic. Guess we average out the 3 episodes? 

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles. 


shikamaru317 said:

2021 also will have some of the 3rd party timed exclusives most likely. 

  • Call of the Sea
  • Second Extinction
  • Bright Memory Infinite
  • Scorn
  • The Gunk

STALKER 2 is 100% not 2021. Not even close. This game is probably gonna release later than anything else shown at the show. I would bet it's 2023 in best case.