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gtotheunit91 said:

As soon as I complete my studio build, I'll provide my version of it.  Hopefully before launch. avoid getting banned for inactivity, I may have to resort to comments that are of a lower overall quality and or beneath my moral standards.

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Ryuu96 said:
ice said:

While this is nice I guess, they seem extremely wishy washy on the actual criteria they use to determined partnership. KCP, Acend, G1 should've all been higher in line. Welp 2 more to go for season 2, hope there's at least one partner that is a big player and is new to the scene. 

You just mad that the Brit got partnership.


I do agree that Ascend should have got it first but Lando is a nice lad and I'm happy for him

G1 better get next.

The eU deserves all 3 of their somewhat decent teams to have partnership (only Acend left) the probably is there's only 3 new spots so it kinda sucks, especially considering the NA scene is just more poppin. I'm pretty sure I recall G1 already stating they weren't selected but had no plans to drop outta Halo, they're in it for the long haul. Which makes sense because if KCP couldn't do it, G1 doesn't have a chance... KCP bigger org and had better placements at the time (consistently top6) they were the G1 before G1. Wish the HCS would strongly consider adding another 8/9 like S1 because there's just too many teams that deserve it.

Can't really think of the other 2 that might've gotten selected. Complexity is probably the biggest Org that's in Infinite outside the partner squads. and maybe the long rumored 100T entering in Halo lol

Ryuu96 said:

Google pulled a masterclass move in shutting down Stadia before Microsoft's acquisition of ABK has been approved, now CMA has even ammo to say that xCloud is dominating too much of the Cloud Streaming market /s.

Well, Microsoft did claim Google as one of their competitors, so I guess Google had it out for Microsoft now

Didn't think about that lol

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

Here's Amazon Luna's time to shine! And shine quick before the ABK deal gets axed

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

Ryuu96 said:
gtotheunit91 said:

That could be the case. Tatanka moving to Unreal was one that was speculation. But it would technically be true that they would be moving to a new "engine" 

This is also pretty cool, but Mint Blitz just put out a video showing that with Infinite's Forge, turns out you can actually IMPORT files into Forge from some other third party software you may use to create assets. That's a game changer! 

And all this effort goes to waste if Halo swaps to Unreal Engine

I still think it's better to attempt to salvage it.

I would not call it salvage.  There just to many custom halo elements that it would probably cost way to much in time and resources to move to Unreal compared to just taking out old gunk in slipspace and replacing it.  It really depends on your software engineers if they are up for such a task because its not just creating a new engine, its the tools required to help the other teams do their job.  This could be why it has taken them this long to get Forge up to speed, in prep for the tool needed for a new system as I can see an internal forge system with way more capability for 343 creative teams.  

Manpower really makes a difference as there is just so much time in a day you can build new stuff, test it and fix all the bugs and issues.

Around the Network
Ryuu96 said:
gtotheunit91 said:

Well, Microsoft did claim Google as one of their competitors, so I guess Google had it out for Microsoft now

Didn't think about that lol

I'm mostly joking but yeah, maybe CMA does make note that Stadia is now gone but I think it would be a stupid argument to go "poor Google, they couldn't possibly have competed with Microsoft" like what? They're a $1.2t company, they could have easily competed if they wanted to, but Google's issue is that they never commit to anything, they barely tried.

For sure! The list of projects Google has killed over the years due to not trying is longer than the list of studios EA has killed lol

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

Ryuu96 said:
gtotheunit91 said:

Well, Microsoft did claim Google as one of their competitors, so I guess Google had it out for Microsoft now

Didn't think about that lol

I'm mostly joking but yeah, maybe CMA does make note that Stadia is now gone but I think it would be a stupid argument to go "poor Google, they couldn't possibly have competed with Microsoft" like what? They're a $1.2t company, they could have easily competed if they wanted to, but Google's issue is that they never commit to anything, they barely tried.

I believe Google got ahead of themselves and did not take the more safer route that MS did.  Instead of going full stream, MS provided both stream and download which allowed them to not have to depend on the Cloud and US flimsy infrastructure to deliver games.  We are still not there yet where streaming can be a main component and MS definitely realize this has they have taken a slower route to cloud streaming.

You can kind of say that Sony has realize this as well since they changed to a download and stream platform but their focus changed to download.  I believe Google just realized the true cost in entering the industry from the platform they build and decided they are not ready.

Ryuu96 said:

Google pulled a masterclass move in shutting down Stadia before Microsoft's acquisition of ABK has been approved, now CMA has even ammo to say that xCloud is dominating too much of the Cloud Streaming market /s.

All they have to do is tell them that Sony entered the streaming market first by buying Gaikai and Onlive and it’s their own fault if they weren’t successful.

Sean W put out an "update" video and it's just him saying Jez is looking into it and defending himself

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

Really hope that Saudi Arabia isn’t buying out Capcom, they already invested in them and could likely buy them out with the 13 billion.