I also had no issues with outages.
Is it a US only thing?
I was having issues with the ME trilogy on Friday as I played it on game pass. It wouldn't load and then I decided to put in my disc I had and it worked.
Another reason to never want to go full digital unless I have to.
https://www.trueachievements.com/gamercards/SliferCynDelta.png%5B/IMG%5D">https://www.trueachievements.com/gamer/SliferCynDelta"><img src="https://www.trueachievements.com/gamercards/SliferCynDelta.png
smroadkill15 said: I don't notice much of a difference from season 1 to 2 challenges. Unless you are specifically talking about the event challenges because if you don't care for LSS, that makes sense. At least the ultimate challenge reward is decent now. LSS has a learning curve because if you try to play it like a regular match, you'll lose every time. You have to take your time and always keep an eye out for power up drops. Also, don't upgrade your weapons until you at least have the 3rd upgrade because the 2nd one is garbage. You actually don't have to wait for the LSS match to finish. If you leave before it ends and then play another game, the progress will carry over to the next time you finish a match. |
Yeah I was talking about the event challenges. I just found it funny.. started playing like 'yeaaa new season let's go!' and then looking at active challenges like 'oh.. that's a shame'. What a bummer.
I did play around 10 games of LSS and did alright, I know you have to play differently but that's the thing, I don't enjoy how it plays. My gaming time has been limited these past months and I don't want to waste time playing stuff like LSS. So challenges being tied to this mode and FFA is not ideal. Not a major issue though.
I tried to quit games and start another, score and kill progress did carry over but completed matches didn't. Then I got a '25 melee kills on LSS' and thought fuck this heh.
Ngl, I didn't dig the Gotham Knights demo at all lol. I'm so used to the free flow combat of the Arkham series and the combat here feels heavy and sluggish imo. Also, the jankiness and sub 60fps gameplay leaves a lot to be desired.
I was hoping the gameplay would be top notch since graphics wise, it's very much a cross-gen game, but so far, disappointed
EDIT: Just learned they scrapped last-gen versions of the game lol. Makes this demo that much more concerning
Last edited by G2ThaUNiT - on 10 May 2022You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind
Ryuu96 said:
The combat is hilarious, in a bad way, the way he's sliding across the floor, lol, he won't have any skin on his knees after a night of fighting Some of his moves just remind me of this... |
WB Games Montreal is definitely the black sheep of WB gaming division
A lot of the comments and tweets are sharing the same sentiment, so hopefully they start working on improving the game asap! But.....not sure how much they can do in 5 months lol
You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind
This isn't really brought up much but I looooooove the variety of modes in Rumble Pit! Even Shotty Snipers is in there. Ninja Slayer and Rocket Repulsor Oddball is the best fun I've had in Infinite with the latter being closest to Griffball we're going to get for now lol.
Only problem is you can't matchmake with friends even though you could in previous games. Hopefully 343 will add that functionality since the season is 6 months long.
You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind
gtotheunit91 said:
WB Games Montreal is definitely the black sheep of WB gaming division A lot of the comments and tweets are sharing the same sentiment, so hopefully they start working on improving the game asap! But.....not sure how much they can do in 5 months lol |
I doubt it, the game is way to far in its development to change the core mechanics, it is what it is. The thing about combat mechanic you really cannot just go on a video, you have to actually experience it and its progression. I would have the same comment about Guardians of the Galaxy until I actually played the game. I would reserve judgement until I can experience the game. Even games like Elden Ring, when I looked at video of the combat thought to myself, that looks boring. It really depends on how its executed more than anything else.
Machiavellian said:
I doubt it, the game is way to far in its development to change the core mechanics, it is what it is. The thing about combat mechanic you really cannot just go on a video, you have to actually experience it and its progression. I would have the same comment about Guardians of the Galaxy until I actually played the game. I would reserve judgement until I can experience the game. Even games like Elden Ring, when I looked at video of the combat thought to myself, that looks boring. It really depends on how its executed more than anything else. |
Fair point. But at the same time, there are other games that are so straightforward in their presentation that you take them at face value, and they turned out exactly how you figured they would lol. Ghostwire: Tokyo is a good example. When the game was finally shown off and we got a good look at combat, the unique combat animations certainly looked very exciting initially, but after I rewatched it, the combat already felt repetitive. And after another watch, I was kinda over it. Which honestly, as much as I loved Guardians of the Galaxy, the combat was pretty repetitive
But even on this site, I made some comments about how repetitive the gameplay looked in Ghostwire, and some defended it whether there would be more animations to change it up or that it was so unique that you wouldn't get tired of it. Game released. The problems I felt were exactly what many also felt lol. I love the Batman universe and would love it if Gotham Knights turns out to be a banger, but I'm personally getting the vibes that make it feel like it's not going to be that good. But of course, I'll wait and see what the consensus at launch will be before diving in.
You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind
shikamaru317 said: *shrugs* I thought that Gotham Knights gameplay looked pretty great when I woke up an played the video. Red Hood looks a bit clunky, but Nightwing looks smooth as hell, kind of reminds Daredevil fights in Marvel, lots of acrobatic attacks combined with batons. The graphics are fine for a game that began development as a last-gen game in Q1 2017, they have sufficiently improved it to cross-gen quality since then. Framerate looked fine to me, I didn't notice any drops at all, though I was watching on my phone. Will watch the demo again later on my PC 1440p monitor. |
Yeah, that's another thing. The game doesn't seem all that great to look at. Especially now that it's going to be current-gen only.
Last edited by G2ThaUNiT - on 10 May 2022You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind
shikamaru317 said:
I see it as a colossal graphical improvement over the 3rd Batman Arham. That game was utterly hideous to look at, so much so that I skipped it, awful anti-aliasing solution that led to tons of jaggies and pixel shimmer from the falling rain. The developers badly need to release a Series X/PS5 update for Arkham Knight that has a good anti-aliasing solution. Gotham Knights seems to be up to par with most of the other cross-gen games we have seen so far, and this game was cross-gen up until now, 5 months before release, so it is effectively still cross-gen, devs don't make huge graphical changes this close to release. |
Oh yeah, I definitely agree with you on that! I think a big part for Arkham Knight's graphical and technical issues were the limitations of using UE3 rather than UE4, despite Arkham Knight being a "next-gen" game. When the game was delayed, I was hoping it was due to the devs making the change from UE3 to UE4, but that was not the case lol
You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind