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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Where gaming will ended up with in the future, VR/AR or Cloud gaming ?

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What is the future of gaming

VR/AR 5 22.73%
Cloud 5 22.73%
Both 8 36.36%
Mobile 1 4.55%
No future for gaming, it's a waste of time 3 13.64%
Shadow1980 said:

Given that VR has been around for decades and they're still trying to iron out all the kinks, and given how no company has yet to demonstrate that it is indispensable for moving the medium forward, I doubt that it will be the future of gaming, at least not anytime within the next 10-20 years. Maybe if they ever get to full "deep-dive" stuff like we see in science fiction. But I doubt what we have now is going to cut it.

There was lot of hype around VR in this incarnation, and actually, while it has not exploded as some predicted and hoped, it has some degree of success.

But overall, I agree, even in some near(-ish) future with advanced sets (that is, without cords, with 200-210 degree horizontal FOV, 4K per eye resolution, eye tracking and foveated rendering and better controllers like Valve Index) hitting mass market price bracket ($399) I don't see VR replacing classic gaming - while even quite average games are vastly better in VR, conformt of sitting down and playing, in addition to not needing a lot of space to move around is not to be forgotten and undeestimated, no matter how good VR set is.

But, eventually, in some not so distant future, we will get neural VR - direct to brain injection of image, sound and all other senses - and, IMO, that would not only be huge, but will replace almost all type of gaming.

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I'd say VR, AR and Cloud gaming will stay niche, at least in the foreseeable future. Mobile is huge and will stay that way.

In short, no big changes incoming anytime soon. Only thing I'm seeing is a resurgence of PC gaming, but apart from that, nothing really new, really.

I think VR and classic gaming will continue to coexist in the future.

Virtual Reality will be the standard way of playing first-person experiences of any kind, in about 5-10 years any AAA developer will make first-person games ONLY in VR, games like Call of Duty, GTA, Doom, Half-Life, Fortnite (any Battle-Royal in general) and also first-person RPGs, Survival Horrors (Resident Evil etc) and Racing games (Forza, Gran Turismo etc). VR is simply the best way of playing these type of games, it's the natural evolution of 3d gaming, as they require full immersion of the player in a 3d environment.
Of course, VR technology needs to improve and become cheaper for the mass market (PSVR2).

Classic gaming on consoles, PCs and mobile will still be available for everyone who like to play classic genres like side-scrollers (platforms, 2d shooters), classic beat'em up, strategy games, puzzle games and third-person games in general (2d or 3d).

As for streaming, it may (or may not) become the standard tech to deliver games to classic consoles or VR headsets.. in the end, it's just a way to receive a game on a device.

Last edited by JimmyFantasy - on 29 November 2019

VR is nothing but an in-between step to the holo deck and lifelike robots, so VR is never gonna be the future.

Cloud gaming might have a chance to be part of the industry in the future, though it does have a certain audience issue, namely that there almost is none. We will have to see how gaming and hardware will develop in the next decade or two. It all depends on what kind of games will be popular and how good internet speeds and device power can keep up. Technically we have been doing "cloud gaming" for years now by having local clients that get most of the important data from the cloud, that's why we already have lag in games. I don't really like the term. It should be called "game streaming".

Game streaming like Stadia does it will only be viable in the future if internet connections can't keep up with ever growing game data sizes, hence making on demand gaming appealing, or if hardware improvements can't keep up with game demands.

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Moren said:
VR will be a fun niche - Cloud gaming will have a non-trivial marketshare.

I think the hardcore will stick with local run hardware.

Where Cloud Gameing has a shot of really getting people, is the casuals that maybe buy 1 or 2 sports games + Cod, doesnt care about abit extra input delay, and would enjoy playing on their phones. The problem is currently, thats being kept for every comeing to pass by internet providers.

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Cloud Gaming will take over by 2030.