Should (and the person above him) know that Moronica comes from an episode of The Three Stooges.
Should (and the person above him) know that Moronica comes from an episode of The Three Stooges.
Informed me that I am very unversed in Americana culture, but probably doesn’t know I’ve never watched a single episode of The Three Stooges.
super_etecoon said: Informed me that I am very unversed in Americana culture, but probably doesn’t know I’ve never watched a single episode of The Three Stooges. |
Made me sad. -_-
Was made sad that I’m not a fan of the antics of The Three Stooges, though maybe I’ve just let my brief glimpses of the shows color my judgment of what might be a fun diversion.
Is a fan of the classics and should realize murica's stupidity is helping canada in a weird way.
Last edited by Eagle367 - 18 hours agoJust a guy who doesn't want to be bored. Also
Left out the part about America likely trying to invade and annex Canada. -_-
Thinks US will do that and is not a joke that might end up in a recession or depression soon and is helping make our tories extremely unlikable and helping us not have a con government
Just a guy who doesn't want to be bored. Also
Doesn't think the US has the sauce to invade Canada.
Just a guy who doesn't want to be bored. Also
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