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konnichiwa said:
Send her back....Send her back....

Ilhan Omar co-sponsored the 9/11 victims compensation bill, and Rand Paul blocked it in the senate. Which one am I supposed to believe is the patriotic one?

Rand Paul for blocking an obvious attempt of communism to undermine the country.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

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Paul didn't block the bill. The vote is still scheduled for August 2nd.

jason1637 said:
Paul didn't block the bill. The vote is still scheduled for August 2nd.

The bill/funding would have passed yesterday but it didn't because of Paul, you may use another term 'stopped?' Bogus that he is worried about the amount of spending while being fine with basically a trillion of tax cuts. It seems like a move to add something to the bill.

KLAMarine said:

Machiavellian said:

You must live in that bizarro world where people tell other people of a different color to go back to where they came from is a suggestion.  I know since they did not specifically say the word "Get the hell out of my country", you probably would believe it was a simple suggestion.  The more you argue this point the funnier it gets.  People probably love telling you jokes since you probably do not get them unless they explicitly state the obvious.

>It sounds like a suggestion:

"Why don’t they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came."

>It starts with a 'why' which most likely means this is a question. Granted, it does not end with a question mark so it leaves it up in the air whether this was a question or not. And let's not forget this bit:

"Then come back and show us how it is done."

>So at some point, these "progressive" congresswomen are to return and put their abilities to good use. He's not asking they leave permanently.

Ok here is something for you to chew on because it seems you totally do not understand the english language.  First, these women are US citizens and Americans.  It really does not matter if they immigrated her from another country, have parents who came from another country or became a citizen yesterday.  They are US citizens.  His statement no matter how you try to break it downs ask the question why do they not go back to whatever country Trump either believe or fantasies they should go back to basically denouncing that they have a right to their opinions and their status as US citizens in the US.  You try to make this case as if Trump statement is a simple suggesting but instead what he stated is an INSULT.  He is telling them they have no right to their opinions or their position as US citizens until they somehow go somewhere else and fix something which HE deems is broken.

You have no clue what it feels like to have someone question your rights to live, have an opinion and a position in your country because you do not look like what they believe is the standard American citizen.  You have no idea how insulting it is for someone to even suggest you go back to where they believe you came from when you are a US citizen and a American.  

So NO, it's not a simple suggestion to these women.  It's a bold face insult, telling them that their opinion isn't legitimate while his opinion is.  It's an insult not only to these women but to his own wife and his youngest child.

Its an insult to any person who worked hard to come to the US and become a citizen and have the rights to a political position on any level.

AT BOLDED:  You have to be be real simple in how you think to believe that statement wasn't a direct insult.  Normally it would be considered trash talk if it was used in relationship to sports but the statement is used a lot and at no time has it ever been considered positive.  Its a statement used to tell someone they do not know what they are either doing to saying.

EricHiggin said:

Not sure what's unclear. People take many things into account when responding to another. If you don't then the conversation will get away from you.

Yes, go back to Mexico and work there, and bring back a report when you're done, that's what racist people say, ok...  If your a Mexican and work for an American company... and get told to go work at a job in Mexico, is that racist? What if the black guy lives in a mixed neighborhood? Would the white guy automatically be racist or prejudice or just stupid for assuming? Did you assume that? Trump is a businessman correct?... If any of the congresswoman were to try their idea's in another country they're from or respect, and failed, they would be seen as bad employees. See what he's doing? Trump rarely bothers killing one bird when he knows he can wait and get two or three with one throw. He even got Pelosi to go from criticizing them to backing them. Well which is it Nancy?

Yes that is what prejudice people say.  Go back to wherever you are from and since you do not understand how offensive it is, you probably think it as well.  Why don't we stop with the word racist and use the proper term that way you can stay on point.  Yes, if a white person told a black man to go back to his neighborhood he would be prejudice and stupid.  One doesn't have to be exclusive from the other.

At BOLDED: The reason that statement is totally wrong is because they are US citizens.  Just because you want to dismiss this point doesn't make your statement any better.  It would be the same as suggesting that Trump go back to Germany and institute his policy and if it is wrong he would be a bad employee.  You are not questioning Trump citizenship or him as a American but somehow just because these 4 women isn't what you view as your standard American, you make these insulting statements.  As to your last sentence, lol  I guess Trump is playing 3D chess while everyone is playing checkers.

If an American is told to go back to America, is that racist? What is America in terms of race?

If an American was in another country and was told to go back to the US it would be considered Prejudice.  As stated before, Since I never used the word racist, you can stop using that word.  I believe you know what Prejudice mean so you keep avoiding saying it because Trump statement is classic prejudice.

So is what Trump said stupid or racist or prejudice? If any of them have immigrated to America before becoming an American citizen, then what? You also realize he's criticizing them and not himself right? Why would he tell himself to leave if he thinks he's doing a good job?

What Trump said was Stupid and definitely prejudice.  Racist not so much but it has classic racial tone.  The statement has been used by racist and prejudiced people far longer than you have been on this earth.  The fact he was stupid enough to state them publicly is a statement to his character. It really doesn't matter if they were made US citizens yesterday.  They would still be US citizens and Americans.  It would be dismissive of what they went through to become citizens in the US and an insult.  Trump is criticizing their rights to their opinions and status as US congresswomen as if what they have to say is invalid.  There is no way around this very obvious fact.  He is not criticizing their policy, he is criticizing their right to even have an opinion and policy in the US.

AT BOLDED:  lol, if you knew how you just accepted that he told US citizens to leave the US and tried to normalize it you probably would have left that statement out.  You should think long and hard how that one line make you look and how you try to normalize such speech from a President who is suppose to represent all of US.

Not everyone has the same tastes. Just because I like the taste of something doesn't mean you do as well, or that you should. If I think someone dresses like a bum, should I constantly throw that in their face and call them names and put them down, or let them look like that because that's how they express themselves? Should we force people not to smoke or drink? What about banning certain speech?


Show me where Epstein did this for separate negative reasons. Maybe he did, maybe he didn't. Even if he did, I'd still expect someone to point out that even though he made a significant charitable donation, which will surely be put to good use, that he's still a POS and that it doesn't make him a good person overall. That doesn't negate that he did something useful, and what minuscule respect it gives him, overall he would still be viewed as a terrible person. People aren't 100% good or evil. Everyone is a varying mixture.

Who cares if the price Epstein felt to cover his sins was to do something charitable it still wasn't a charity, it was a bribe.  That is the difference when you do something charitable seeking no gain compared wen you do something charitable seeking to gain something in return.  Still, you have made no argument on why anyone would praise him for it or respect him.  If his motives were to do it wash away his sins but he still continued to sin then it was a empty gesture.

Last edited by Machiavellian - on 18 July 2019

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I don't understand how anyone can defend Trump's remarks towards the four congress women. Even if your super conservative you have to see that Trump is attacking those women's basic citizen rights. Every citizen has the right to get involved into politics and by suggesting they should leave the country if they aren't happy with it, he's undermining this right.

MrWayne said:

I don't understand how anyone can defend Trump's remarks towards the four congress women. Even if your super conservative you have to see that Trump is attacking those women's basic citizen rights. Every citizen has the right to get involved into politics and by suggesting they should leave the country if they aren't happy with it, he's undermining this right.

The funny part about the people who are defending what Trump stated is if it was a Democrat, they would be throwing around the term intolerable left or facish.  Would that not be a classic facish statement dismissing these women opinions as if they do not have a right to their position, policy or opinions unless they leave the US.  It's interesting how they show their colors when one of their own throws it in their face and they eat it like candy.

Even more disturbing is how after Trump statement you have people chanting "Send her back" at Trump rally.  Nothing shows how divisive his tweet is then that demonstration right there.  It shows a very harsh light on his base, Trump and the people who try to normalize that statement.

Last edited by Machiavellian - on 18 July 2019


Looks like he'll have 2020 in the bag.

Machiavellian said:
KLAMarine said:

>It sounds like a suggestion:

"Why don’t they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came."

>It starts with a 'why' which most likely means this is a question. Granted, it does not end with a question mark so it leaves it up in the air whether this was a question or not. And let's not forget this bit:

"Then come back and show us how it is done."

>So at some point, these "progressive" congresswomen are to return and put their abilities to good use. He's not asking they leave permanently.

Ok here is something for you to chew on because it seems you totally do not understand the english language.  First, these women are US citizens and Americans.  It really does not matter if they immigrated her from another country, have parents who came from another country or became a citizen yesterday.  They are US citizens.  His statement no matter how you try to break it downs ask the question why do they not go back to whatever country Trump either believe or fantasies they should go back to basically denouncing that they have a right to their opinions and their status as US citizens in the US.  You try to make this case as if Trump statement is a simple suggesting but instead what he stated is an INSULT.  He is telling them they have no right to their opinions or their position as US citizens until they somehow go somewhere else and fix something which HE deems is broken.

You have no clue what it feels like to have someone question your rights to live, have an opinion and a position in your country because you do not look like what they believe is the standard American citizen.  You have no idea how insulting it is for someone to even suggest you go back to where they believe you came from when you are a US citizen and a American.  

So NO, it's not a simple suggestion to these women.  It's a bold face insult, telling them that their opinion isn't legitimate while his opinion is.  It's an insult not only to these women but to his own wife and his youngest child.

Its an insult to any person who worked hard to come to the US and become a citizen and have the rights to a political position on any level.

AT BOLDED:  You have to be be real simple in how you think to believe that statement wasn't a direct insult.  Normally it would be considered trash talk if it was used in relationship to sports but the statement is used a lot and at no time has it ever been considered positive.  Its a statement used to tell someone they do not know what they are either doing to saying.

"He is telling them they have no right to their opinions"


"You have no clue what it feels like to have someone question your rights to live, have an opinion and a position in your country because you do not look like what they believe is the standard American citizen.  You have no idea how insulting it is for someone to even suggest you go back to where they believe you came from when you are a US citizen and a American."

>Oh, you know me? Please, tell me about me. I'd love to hear what you have to say.

MrWayne said:

I don't understand how anyone can defend Trump's remarks towards the four congress women. Even if your super conservative you have to see that Trump is attacking those women's basic citizen rights. Every citizen has the right to get involved into politics and by suggesting they should leave the country if they aren't happy with it, he's undermining this right.

How? These women are still in politics and neither a suggestion nor a tweet is going to change that.