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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Crackdown 3 Review Thread - MC: 60 OC: 62

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It’s at 60 on Metacritic now

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Damn, whats up with the low scores?
I loved the 1st CD and i was hoping this would be a mega hit for XB.
After this i dont know what else MS can do to excite their base going into next gen.

Going by the vids I have seen, not surprised. The promise for Cloud computing in multiplayer definitely wasn't kept, either.

On a personal note, this is really why I wouldn't be interested in switching to Xbox next gen, even with all of the recent acquisitions MS made recently. They have some good talent, but it doesn't seem like the management is up to par with Sony and Nintendo on overseeing quality output. Promising games are cancelled, while the ones that have released recently have been underwhelming. It seems the only thing they have going for them, that seems to be consistent high quality, going into next gen is their Forza releases.

On the Graphics effects front it's actually pretty paired back compared to other AAA games of today, you can clearly see the limitations in geometric complexity which was an issue I pointed out a few years back.
..But it also has that clinically clean artistic design like Mirrors Edge, which means that visually the art really stands out... And should hold up over the longer term.

Sadly the pop-in really stood out for me.

I think it deserves a 70 anyway, but won't be surprised if it ends up significantly lower.

It's not a bad game per-say, but it could have been a bit more of a step up... Especially with the bold promises about it earlier in it's development cycle and it's several delays.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--

SvennoJ said:
Funny that the 90 score is clickbait for a change. 90 and he doesn't even care about the multi player praising the campaign for being better than crackdown 2. So even the most positive review thinks the online destruction is just meh :/ What a waste. That quote calling it a breath of fresh gunsmoke for not being like the popular battle royale games, lol.

If you have gamepass it would likely provide a few afternoons of fun, no doubt. My kids are too busy doing challenges in Fortnite to win a battle pass and playing Apex Legends to care.

Good god what would he have given the original Crackdown we could have seen our first 100 + score.

Research shows Video games  help make you smarter, so why am I an idiot

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Microsoft’s first party is absolutely abysmal aside from Forza this gen.

Bet with Intrinsic:

The Switch will outsell 3DS (based on VGchartz numbers), according to me, while Intrinsic thinks the opposite will hold true. One month avatar control for the loser's avatar.

Microsoft should be ashamed of themselves for having full retail price on this game. They could of really help the score if they sold it at 29.99 or 39.99.
Would of tempered expectation and set a reasonable bar for this game. This game is a perfect gamepass game, The game obviously had trouble development and instead of being sent out to die, gamepass will create a reasonable market for this game. Lots of people will get to experience the game without having to pay full retail price or wait for the inevitable price drop that will come after release.

If game pass was around during the Scalebound development the game would of never been cancelled. 

I remember all the heated arguments we had a few years ago about that and all the messages like "You're a hater, just wait, you'll see THE POWER OF THE CLOUD!!!".

Good times.

Faelco said:
I remember all the heated arguments we had a few years ago about that and all the messages like "You're a hater, just wait, you'll see THE POWER OF THE CLOUD!!!".

Good times.

Yeah Holy shit, crackdown 3 topics were war zones. I wouldn't mind having a look back through those threads. 

Pemalite said:

On the Graphics effects front it's actually pretty paired back compared to other AAA games of today, you can clearly see the limitations in geometric complexity which was an issue I pointed out a few years back.
..But it also has that clinically clean artistic design like Mirrors Edge, which means that visually the art really stands out... And should hold up over the longer term.

Sadly the pop-in really stood out for me.

I think it deserves a 70 anyway, but won't be surprised if it ends up significantly lower.

It's not a bad game per-say, but it could have been a bit more of a step up... Especially with the bold promises about it earlier in it's development cycle and it's several delays.

I never really considered Crackdown AAA. Not this gen or last gen. However, it actually looks better than I expected. Makes better use of UE4 than most games as well.

I just wanted another Crackdown and some good Gamepass content, I think they delivered. This game is as important to Xbox as Last Guardian was to PS4. Its notable content at best, it was never teh kill3r @pp.

The AAA game MS has for this year is Gears 5. Hopefully there isnt a delay.

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