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Pemalite said:

On the Graphics effects front it's actually pretty paired back compared to other AAA games of today, you can clearly see the limitations in geometric complexity which was an issue I pointed out a few years back.
..But it also has that clinically clean artistic design like Mirrors Edge, which means that visually the art really stands out... And should hold up over the longer term.

Sadly the pop-in really stood out for me.

I think it deserves a 70 anyway, but won't be surprised if it ends up significantly lower.

It's not a bad game per-say, but it could have been a bit more of a step up... Especially with the bold promises about it earlier in it's development cycle and it's several delays.

I never really considered Crackdown AAA. Not this gen or last gen. However, it actually looks better than I expected. Makes better use of UE4 than most games as well.

I just wanted another Crackdown and some good Gamepass content, I think they delivered. This game is as important to Xbox as Last Guardian was to PS4. Its notable content at best, it was never teh kill3r @pp.

The AAA game MS has for this year is Gears 5. Hopefully there isnt a delay.

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