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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Prediction Time: Nintendo Switch 4K VR

zygote said:
melbye said:
While i am sure they are going to upgrade Switch at some point i expect it will be something like DSi or New 3DS, a little bit more powerful and some new features that won't fundamentally change the experience. Upgrading Switch to such a degree that that it can do 4K and VR can only fracture the userbase

I think it depends on how it is done. MS made the requirement that any game on the One X must run on the original Xbox One. While I don’t think Nintendo would do that, they would still have some requirements that would keep it in the family and of course 1st party titles and Indies would be assured to be accessible on all versions.

A challenge with that would be making the Switch XL/VR appealing enough to make gamers choose that version at a higher price to make it affordable to Nvidia and whoever else has investment in it. With Matio Kart VR and a Metroid Prime 4 on the level of BoTW, each with VR considerations throughout their development, I think they will end up with a better conversion than Sony and MS had with their upgraded models. This also may be another reason why they pulled so much from the Wii U catalog, why Sakurai and Game Freak teams are focused on holding up Switch, leaving room for the other teams to work on building for something... simply speculating of course.

VR hasn't really set the world on fire. PSVR has sold 3 million which i think could be considered a OK number. I think any investment Nintendo does in VR right now will be at the Universal Nintendo Land park

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Slownenberg said:
melbye said:
While i am sure....

Agreed. I fully expect new versions of the Switch like Nintendo has always done with their handhelds, but I don't see a VR Switch coming, certainly not a 4k VR Switch - that is more like next gen.

Also VR is fairly niche. I mean who wants to strap a big headset to their head just to play video games? Some people sure, but not the vast majority of people. Also having to pay a few hundred dollars for VR on top of paying a few hundred dollars for a base system isn't very consumer friendly. Though that is why VR makes the most sense for the Switch as compared to Sony/Microsoft systems, because Nintendo could make a system that can be played as a VR system, rather than selling it separately and thus having the system + VR cost twice as much as a normal system. If Nintendo can make a VR capable Switch 2 which can be played in VR mode simply by "switching" it into a headset, while still being totally capable of being played as a portable or tv-based system, I could definitely see them doing that. And it would make sense from a branding perspective as they could keep the Switch name for the Switch 2 as they've added one more "switch" to it: VR. But as far as this system I just don't see it having anywhere near the power to do VR. And if they did make a much more powerful system in order to do VR...well why would they do it in the middle of the Switch lifecycle? A much more powerful system is exactly what the Switch 2 would be, so it doesn't make any sense to try to disrupt the Switch's success instead of waiting to the end of its lifecycle to bring out a much more powerful VR-capable Switch 2.

A lot of people ask where does Nintendo go from here - they've already made essentially the perfect system in the Switch by combining home system with portable with motion controls with touch screen so that you can have any type of game on the system. In terms of hardware concept it is hard to see how they innovate beyond this. The Switch seems to be the end game innovation they've been moving towards for a while. But in this way I think adding VR to the Switch 2 would make sense because being able to play portable, home system, and VR all built-in just by sliding the system in and out of a dock or headset is innovation enough for next decade. Honestly I can't imagine how else they would innovate on the Switch, the only thing I can think of besides having the Switch 2 be able to "switch" into VR mode is just generic spec increases and perfecting the form factor of the Switch, and those aren't innovations just normal upgrades you'd expect.

So yeah I don't think VR is coming to the Switch, but by the time the Switch 2 comes out I think the tech could be there to make it be possible to have a $300 next gen Switch that is VR capable, and maybe they'd just sell the headset the Switch slides into for an extra $50 or bundled at $350. My only thought though is how well would a VR system work with the Switch tablet just slid into a headset rather than a headset being built from the ground up for VR? I know you can do VR with phones like that, but I don't know how well it actually compares to actual VR headsets. Though I suppose as long as it works fairly well it would be fine since it'd be part of the system and not require having to pay double the money for a system plus the VR.

I don't think Nintendo would try to compare with VR headsets.  They would want to provide a fun gaming experience that most people can enjoy, period.  It will probably be a light-weight cardboard housing for the Switch body like Google Cardboard, but probably more comfortable.  It wouldn't require the wires that the other systems do as long as it also had built in sensors for it, because it is the system.  It would be much more consumer friendly.  Will it be as immersive as some of the $1000+ setups people have right now?  Who knows.  I think where some people are getting hung up is that they are trying to compare Switch doing VR to Oculus or Vive or PSVR.  Switch VR would be the way Nintendo wants it to be and they would make sure it was impressive and fun enough to warrant development, or they won't do it. I think with the right R&D and partnerships, they can put together things you will not expect. 

Last edited by zygote - on 26 August 2018

melbye said:
zygote said:

I think it depends on how it is done....

VR hasn't really set the world on fire. PSVR has sold 3 million which i think could be considered a OK number. I think any investment Nintendo does in VR right now will be at the Universal Nintendo Land park

That is because it is cumbersome. PSVR is not fully mobile and the resolution is pretty low compared to Oculus and Vive. On top of that, you still have the cords, setup, and then there is the price.  "I just bought a PS4Pro for $400, I don't want to spend extra for VR, how about I get more games instead" etc. etc. Also besides Doom, Skyrim, and Resident Evil 7, there is no killer app that is marketed well to encourage people to buy it. And those games have been sold how many times now?  On how many systems? Way too many problems currently with VR, but I recently bought an Oculus and I will say, that it was well worth the cost even though the headset is heavy and hot, and I have to ensure a good area to play in, and wires, and batteries, and blah blah blah.  It is still an amazing experience that I would not have traded.  

If you can give a similar experience in a lesser involved and price-effective setup with a killer app, then you will have yourself sales.

Light cardboard housing that is functional and comfortable, a stand alone switch system with controllers, no wires, Metroid Prime 4, Mario Kart.  THAT will sell. 

Even if existing Switch owners have to buy an upgraded body, they will still have 2 systems that they can play multiplayer with or give to a friend or family member, or sell it.  With PSVR you will spend that much and still only have equipment for one system and one person.

Last edited by zygote - on 26 August 2018

Soundwave said:


Mario Kart VR in motion:

It's only in Japan, likely a test. 

This makes me wonder if they could make a free DLC for the VR mode to add onto Mario Kart 8 for those who buy a Switch XL model and already own Mario Kart 8.  If they tagged it on then it would save them resources for other things and they would capitalize on the already huge install base of Mario Kart 8 Deluxe.  The main point against that is that Mario Kart 8 has a lot of disorienting tracks.  For a VR experience, it would likely require simpler more fluid tracks.  I'm sure they would work those decisions out in development and testing.  Maybe limit VR mode to 100cc or something.

I could see Nintendo trying this with the Switch's successor, but that will be in about 5 years.

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zygote said:
Soundwave said:


Mario Kart VR in motion:

It's only in Japan, likely a test. 

This makes me wonder if they could make a free DLC for the VR mode to add onto Mario Kart 8 for those who buy a Switch XL model and already own Mario Kart 8.  If they tagged it on then it would save them resources for other things and they would capitalize on the already huge install base of Mario Kart 8 Deluxe.  The main point against that is that Mario Kart 8 has a lot of disorienting tracks.  For a VR experience, it would likely require simpler more fluid tracks.  I'm sure they would work those decisions out in development and testing.  Maybe limit VR mode to 100cc or something.

Or it could be something built for Mario Kart 9 ... I mean think about it, people are saying "well MK9 wouldn't be much different from MK8 so what's the point" ... except a VR mode would be a pretty huge addition to the franchise. 

Switch 4K VR will come in 20 years. Good predicting with you.

duduspace11 "Well, since we are estimating costs, Pokemon Red/Blue did cost Nintendo about $50m to make back in 1996"

Mr Puggsly: "Hehe, I said good profit. You said big profit. Frankly, not losing money is what I meant by good. Don't get hung up on semantics"

Azzanation: "PS5 wouldn't sold out at launch without scalpers."

Soundwave said:
zygote said:

This makes me wonder if ....

Or it could be something built for Mario Kart 9 ... I mean think about it, people are saying "well MK9 wouldn't be much different from MK8 so what's the point" ... except a VR mode would be a pretty huge addition to the franchise. 

I think it could go either way.  Kinda like they did with Smash.  Even before it was announced, based on other bold Switch decisions and the Wii U ports, I knew Smash on Switch would be based on the Smash 4 engine and be a culmination of all the Smash titles before it with a bit extra, but they went Full Monty on the thing to where it is a whole new and definitive title.  So while I was right, I was also wrong.  But I assumed that they wanted to get their big guns on the system quickly to reuse their Wii U assets to build up sales for Switch so that 3rd party developers would support it faster. Because of this, I also thought they would release it earlier, like in May where Mario Kart 8 Deluxe was last year, but instead they opted for a weaker Spring to push expected titles back into 2019 and make Smash a bigger deal to hold up 2018.  Why?  There has to be a reason why they were initially so confident that this choice would be the better....  I think it is because they are playing a "long game."  They are using these titles to buy time toward other things.  Perhaps to fill up 2019 knowing Metroid would be delayed, perhaps to spread things out to prepare more titles for a VR launch in a year or two,...  Who knows. 

It all boils down to how many resources they have to give where, and unfortunately we don't know all the projects they have in mind.  I like the idea of having a new Mario Kart title and if making a slimmed down version of the existing Mario Kart VR or creating a simpler kart experience is more time and gameplay effective, then they just might.  I also like the ideas of Splatoon 2 VR, Pilotwings, ARMS definitely (would prefer a sequel).  Metroid Prime 4 would definitely be the Zelda of the VR iteration, but I'm sure they are working on another Zelda title built on the BoTW engine that will use it too if it's a thing. I guess we'll see how it plays out.  

Go home, your drunk....

Nintendo Switch Friend Code: SW-5643-2927-1984

Animal Crossing NH Dream Address: DA-1078-9916-3261

zygote said:
VR or not, there is no denying they are cooking up something else, likely VR inspired. LABO was a curveball for everyone and we shouldn’t expect anything Nintendo does to be safe or predictable at this point. Lion out of their cage.

Doesnt necessary means they will work on VR first, they actually mentioned few times AR possibility.