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Hiku said:

Are you able to play through the main story with a friend in NiOh 2? Iirc, you could only play certain missions in co-op in the first NiOh?

I liked the first game though, and beat the game. But I wish I could have gone through the main story with a friend.
I have the DLC for the first game, but only got to the first boss there. I also have NiOh 2 but haven't tried it yet.

By the way, in Code Vein you can play through the main story with a friend, and that made it a lot more enjoyable for me.

yeah, Code Vein is something I absolutely want to do, but I learned that one of the trophies requires a disgusting 400 of a single you can only find I think 6 or 8 in the main game and the rest come from co-opping bosses. one per boss. That's gross, and whoever thought of that trophy should be shot. Out of a cannon. directly into a brick wall. 

Bristow9091 said:

I'd recommend anyone interested in the Souls games to jump at this offer... also I've never understood the "hate" for Dark Souls II, personally I thought it shined so bright in some areas, while it definitely lacked in others... I definitely had a TON more fun working with different builds and playing fashion souls on it than the others I've played, lol. Also SOTFS is packed with so much content and the DLC is still pretty fucking incredible and has some AMAZING boss fights... except for one area. (You can guess which!)

I know I'm probably getting annoying with all my Dark Souls II Hate, but I can and have literally written 10k+ Word Essays describing in detail just how bad I feel Dark Souls II is. The very, very truncated version of those essays boils down to: It feels like the team knew what made Dark Souls I popular and tried to emulate it without understanding WHY those elements made it popular and thus completely fucked up the balance of it all, resulting in a game that LOOKS like Dark Souls but doesn't FEEL like Dark Souls. 

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Rumour mill for the upcoming State of Play tomorrow

30 mins is quite long for a SOP. Lets hope its a good one for announcements and content!

hinch said:

Rumour mill for the upcoming State of Play tomorrow

30 mins is quite long for a SOP. Lets hope its a good one for announcements and content!

Honestly? I'm not even sure what I want to see at this State of Play. Like, I've already bought Ratchet & Clank and Resident Evil Village, so they don't gotta sell me on that. I'm already sold on Kena and Horizon, and while I'd love to see some God of War Ragnarok footage, I'm already sold on that based solely on the quality of the last God of War game. 

I really just wanna see release dates, at this point. I mean, I guess I'd like to know more about Kena because it's a new IP, but everything else I just want to know when it's coming out. 

Gonna be fun either way. 

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Best keep my expectations in check. Think we've all been burned on a few State of Plays so.. But yeahh, we do need solid release dates for upcoming games. I just hope Kena makes it next month as we haven't seen or heard anything since its first reveal (and I'm really looking forward to it!) That goes for Horizon too.. Hopefully they'll clarify some others like FF16 etc as well.

In any case can't wait!

hinch said:

Best keep my expectations in check. Think we've all been burned on a few State of Plays so.. But yeahh, we do need solid release dates for upcoming games. I just hope Kena makes it next month as we haven't seen or heard anything since its first reveal (and I'm really looking forward to it!) That goes for Horizon too.. Hopefully they'll clarify some others like FF16 etc as well.

In any case can't wait!

oh right! I keep forgetting about Final Fantasy XVI!

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Hiku said:
Runa216 said:

yeah, Code Vein is something I absolutely want to do, but I learned that one of the trophies requires a disgusting 400 of a single you can only find I think 6 or 8 in the main game and the rest come from co-opping bosses. one per boss. That's gross, and whoever thought of that trophy should be shot. Out of a cannon. directly into a brick wall. 

Just to clarify a few things, there's nothing you have to co-op with another player. If you play alone, you will have an A.I. controlled partner. You can dismiss them and play by yourself, but I've never had a reason to go alone.

I looked into it, and the item you're refering to is a Mark of Honour. Without intentionally trying to farm them, I have 25 in my inventory.
But apparently you can farm them solo really quickly and easily, like this:

Code Vein - Very Fast and Simple Mark of Honor Farming Solo - Exalted Reputation - YouTube

There are no spoilers in the video, but if you're worried about watching, this player gets 1 Mark of Honour every 20 seconds, by one-shotting the same enemy over and over, right next to a restore point, that respawns all the enemies.

That is immensely helpful! Thanks! 

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Is there going to be a State of Play thread for today? I'm at work and will probably miss some of the action. avoid getting banned for inactivity, I may have to resort to comments that are of a lower overall quality and or beneath my moral standards.

No MP for the next Dragon Age it seems. I really liked the multiplayer in inquisition

Its a bit of a mindless zerg mode but it was fun to jump in and out of games. Each game session was like 20 minutes and you could level and 'prestige' your class adding a small buff to a stat of that class specialty to your stats. Also, surprisingly satisfying playing each of the classes - ranger and assassin are my faves. Spend quite a bit of time with that on PS4 with a friend and some online ones as it could get real hectic in a 4player co-op at Nightmare level.

But yeah I was looking forward to them adding this mode in the next one.. looks like a nope now :/

So the show was pants... but FFVII upgrade is free! Woop xD