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Runa216 said:
COKTOE said:

Some have left. Others have been permabanned.

I've been informed I'm on my last warning, for having too much bias towards Sony and against Microsoft. Apparently I criticize Microsoft/Xbox too much, so much so that I got banned from that forum entirely. Nobody has explained to me beyond 'being too critical of microsoft' as a reason, so if it's something else nobody has informed me of it. All the warnings I've gotten and all the bans boil down to 'you're just bitching about microsoft too much' or 'we banned you from the microsoft forum so you wouldn't talk about them, but you still talk about them in the sony forum when comparing the platforms so we're going to ban you, now.' they cite flaming, but that's not even remotely what I'm doing. Like, seriously, Every time I ask others outside of this sphere if the things I said looked like flaming to them, they said no and most outright laughed, then were confused when I told them I was banned for it. It turns out the definition for 'flaming' on this forum is very loose and can be intepreted as 'being too critical of a brand'. 

I literally got banned once for posting a point by point analysis of the PS4, Switch, and Xbone, comparing exclusives throughout the years...just raw data and some analysis of that data's trends, and I got banned because I rightly said Microsoft's output was poor, based on the data. I do not understand how this is flaming. I do not understand how this is in any way against any of the rules...but because it was me and I clearly have not been impressed by Microsoft to the point I'm rightly relentlessly critical of the company's decisions, it can be interpreted as flaming. 

if this isn't the case, if this isn't the real reason, and if this isn't why I'm constantly getting banned, nobody has taken the time to explain it to me. It is their site, if they want me gone because my criticism is ruining it for others, that's fine. It's their site. If they were just like 'hey, we don't like your negativity', then that'd be different. Instead they cite flaming as the reason when what I've done in the past is not flaming at all, just as an excuse to justify a ban. I've seen the shit people get banned for, I've seen the bias on all sides, and what I say and do is NOWHERE NEAR as bad as like 95% of it on the site. In the end, free speech and a personal enterprise and all that, it's their site and their decision, but their logic has been from day one pretty noncommital and inconsistent. Every ban I've gotten appears to boil down to 'you're being too critical of Microsoft, so we're gonna ban you for it'. 

So yeah, I'm still a little salty about it because even when I'm trying to be good or neutral or non-inflammatory, I keep getting banned. That's why I hardly post on here anymore. I always assume every post - no matter how benign - will get me banned. and now that I'm on the 'last warning' stage, I just assume I'll be booted at any time for having a preference, voicing that preference, and offering facts and data to support why I have that preference. But hey, if anyone has deeper insight into the problem I'd be happy to hear it! As of now, though, 'being too critical of microsoft' seems to be the culprit, as far as I can tell. 

**Edit** To be clear, the reason I posted this is because I don't know what I can do to avoid further banning aside from...just not discussing one of the three major game hardware companies on a videogame forum and I genuinely would like some clarity on the matter. If it literally just is that I'm being too harshly critical, then at least I know the bias is real and the favouritism is real and I Can adjust accordingly. If they genuinely think what I'm doing is flaming, well then I'm fucked because it's NOT flaming by any stretch of the imagination and there's nothing I can do short of completely removing any and all semblance of passion for a medium I'm passionate about. 

I wish I had some good advice. The best I have to offer right now, is to cool your jets a bit, let a bit of time pass, come into this thread for some talk, and pull your punches somewhat outside of here, if not just avoid other threads for a spell. If I can make it here, so can you. Plus it would suck to lose you.

Is it possible your wording is provocative or overly aggressive? Please don't hate me. Just asking. :)

- "If you have the heart of a true winner, you can always get more pissed off than some other asshole."

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COKTOE said:

I wish I had some good advice. The best I have to offer right now, is to cool your jets a bit, let a bit of time pass, come into this thread for some talk, and pull your punches somewhat outside of here, if not just avoid other threads for a spell. If I can make it here, so can you. Plus it would suck to lose you.

Is it possible your wording is provocative or overly aggressive? Please don't hate me. Just asking. :)

Oh, my wording certainly pulls no punches. I've never been one to overly sanitize what I have to say if I'm right or if what I'm saying is important enough...but I've seen many others being far, FAR worse and not getting bans or warnings. I've seen some people (I won't name names) who post troll posts or flaming posts like 9/10 times and it's clearly bait from beginning to end, but I don't ever see them banned for anything. 

And honestly, I was under the impression this was a mostly adult forum. I really don't think we should be babying people who can't handle criticism or can't handle the truth. But that's just me. I don't own the site, now do I? 

Also, back to the PS topic at hand, man I love that the PS5 has backwards compatibility! IT's never mattered to me as much as it does now...because now all my PS4 games are BETTER on the PS5. Ghost of Tsushima is a PS4 game but it runs silky smooth and looks fantastic. God of War is 4K at 60FPS now, making it look and play better than it did on PS4. A bunch of games got free upgrades like Borderlands 3 and Miles Morales and Nioh/Nioh 2, and a lot of games give you PS4 and PS5 versions at checkout! I mean, it shouldn't matter THAT much, but it kinda does! 

When PS3 lost PS2 backwards compatibility, I was sad...but by then I wasn't really using the PS2 function anymore. 

When PS4 didn't have any backwards compatibility I was disappointed but not upset since I totally understood why it either wasn't possible or at the very least wouldn't be worth the effort to implement relative to its selling power. 

But with Ps5? we're going from arguably Sony's strongest console (Seriously, the PS4 has by far the best overall Playstation library in my opinion, yes even better than PS1/2) right into another generation where PS5 is basically doing everything right. (okay, not everything, but for every 1 thing it does wrong, it does 10 things right), so it sort of feels like a natural progression into the next generation. New IPS, Old IPs returning, the best controller on the market, it's just really making me happy. It's basically the only thing (aside form the Switch and my dog) that's making me happy lately.

I do wish it was easier to, you know, transfer saves back and forth between PS4 and 5 - I think as of now it's a matter of transferring them forward from PS4 to PS5 but not back to PS4 - which sucks, but I generally fix that with remote play. with both my PS4 and my Ps5 hardwired to the internet in our place, I don't really have much difficulty with remote play. I used to do remote play on Vita for my PS4 and that was fine but it was not the same thing. This is far better. 

Overall, man it just feels so reinvigorating. I genuinely feel that the industry as a whole is stronger than it's ever been from every conceivable angle. Yeah, you get your predatory monetization models and shit, but that's only a small number of games compared to the games that don't have any microtransactions. There's more variety and versatility in the industry than there's ever been. Gaming is more user friendly now basically than it's ever been (though having to take time to install and update games CAN be a pain, depending on hardware), and between PS4/5 and the Switch, you got your fidelity/performance on one side and portability/pure fun on the other. Just a great time to be a gamer. 

I truly do hope Sony figures out the stock issues. 

My Console Library:

PS5, Switch, XSX

PS4, PS3, PS2, PS1, WiiU, Wii, GCN, N64 SNES, XBO, 360

3DS, DS, GBA, Vita, PSP, Android

Runa216 said:
COKTOE said:

I wish I had some good advice. The best I have to offer right now, is to cool your jets a bit, let a bit of time pass, come into this thread for some talk, and pull your punches somewhat outside of here, if not just avoid other threads for a spell. If I can make it here, so can you. Plus it would suck to lose you.

Is it possible your wording is provocative or overly aggressive? Please don't hate me. Just asking. :)

Oh, my wording certainly pulls no punches. I've never been one to overly sanitize what I have to say if I'm right or if what I'm saying is important enough...but I've seen many others being far, FAR worse and not getting bans or warnings. I've seen some people (I won't name names) who post troll posts or flaming posts like 9/10 times and it's clearly bait from beginning to end, but I don't ever see them banned for anything. 

And honestly, I was under the impression this was a mostly adult forum. I really don't think we should be babying people who can't handle criticism or can't handle the truth. But that's just me. I don't own the site, now do I? 

Also, back to the PS topic at hand, man I love that the PS5 has backwards compatibility! IT's never mattered to me as much as it does now...because now all my PS4 games are BETTER on the PS5. Ghost of Tsushima is a PS4 game but it runs silky smooth and looks fantastic. God of War is 4K at 60FPS now, making it look and play better than it did on PS4. A bunch of games got free upgrades like Borderlands 3 and Miles Morales and Nioh/Nioh 2, and a lot of games give you PS4 and PS5 versions at checkout! I mean, it shouldn't matter THAT much, but it kinda does! 

When PS3 lost PS2 backwards compatibility, I was sad...but by then I wasn't really using the PS2 function anymore. 

When PS4 didn't have any backwards compatibility I was disappointed but not upset since I totally understood why it either wasn't possible or at the very least wouldn't be worth the effort to implement relative to its selling power. 

But with Ps5? we're going from arguably Sony's strongest console (Seriously, the PS4 has by far the best overall Playstation library in my opinion, yes even better than PS1/2) right into another generation where PS5 is basically doing everything right. (okay, not everything, but for every 1 thing it does wrong, it does 10 things right), so it sort of feels like a natural progression into the next generation. New IPS, Old IPs returning, the best controller on the market, it's just really making me happy. It's basically the only thing (aside form the Switch and my dog) that's making me happy lately.

I do wish it was easier to, you know, transfer saves back and forth between PS4 and 5 - I think as of now it's a matter of transferring them forward from PS4 to PS5 but not back to PS4 - which sucks, but I generally fix that with remote play. with both my PS4 and my Ps5 hardwired to the internet in our place, I don't really have much difficulty with remote play. I used to do remote play on Vita for my PS4 and that was fine but it was not the same thing. This is far better. 

Overall, man it just feels so reinvigorating. I genuinely feel that the industry as a whole is stronger than it's ever been from every conceivable angle. Yeah, you get your predatory monetization models and shit, but that's only a small number of games compared to the games that don't have any microtransactions. There's more variety and versatility in the industry than there's ever been. Gaming is more user friendly now basically than it's ever been (though having to take time to install and update games CAN be a pain, depending on hardware), and between PS4/5 and the Switch, you got your fidelity/performance on one side and portability/pure fun on the other. Just a great time to be a gamer. 

I truly do hope Sony figures out the stock issues. 

I got over the PS3 losing PS2 playback preeeety quickly. And yeah, it's kinda hard to not rank PS4 as Sony's strongest console based on it's software quality and gaming capabilities. I have such a soft spot for PS3 though, and really loved it's media abilities. Definitely waiting for a PS5 to play through Days Gone, Ghost Of Tsushima, Hitman 3, ect, for the first time. Probably won't return to games I've played through already though. God Of War was amazing, but I plundered it quite well, and have other games to get to.

Want to comment on your last paragraph, but am just beat. It's 8:16 PM and I'm going to crawl into bed. Mostly agree? Ha.

- "If you have the heart of a true winner, you can always get more pissed off than some other asshole."

As an aside, I have a PS5 disc version, but I've never put a disc in the console. Every game I have on there I have digitally. The ones I don't have digitally I tend to not care about. All the good stuff I have both physically and digitally: Physical for collection purposes, Digital for convenience's sake.

Wait, that's a lie. I put Lego Movie in once. That was literally the only disc I ever put in the console.

My Console Library:

PS5, Switch, XSX

PS4, PS3, PS2, PS1, WiiU, Wii, GCN, N64 SNES, XBO, 360

3DS, DS, GBA, Vita, PSP, Android

Titanfall on PS5 emulation runs great. Bought it on PSN last week and been playing through the single player campaign. Think I'm about 4 hours in and really enjoying it so far. Surprising good story and characters in it - love the robot. The gunplay is pretty slick as is the traversal/platforming and how it meshes with combat. Pleasantly surprised at the game! Now to finish it and get back into GOW :D

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Dunno why the formatting is so loopy.


"I've been informed I'm on my last warning, for having too much bias towards Sony and against Microsoft.

No. You were not.

"Nobody has explained to me beyond 'being too critical of microsoft' as a reason, so if it's something else nobody has informed me of it."

I'll quote myself...

"You need to focus your argument on ideas, and not on people. Jumping in to tell a user 'I just know I don't particularly  like you' is textbook flaming, and is not acceptable. Keep your personal opinions about users to yourself, and if there's a flaw in their reasoning, focus on that."

I think that's a pretty clear explanation that goes way beyond "being too critical of Microsoft". Other mods have similarly given detailed explanations, and I know have PMed you in the past.

I literally got banned once for posting a point by point analysis of the PS4, Switch, and Xbone, comparing exclusives throughout the years...just raw data and some analysis of that data's trends, and I got banned because I rightly said Microsoft's output was poor, based on the data. I do not understand how this is flaming. I do not understand how this is in any way against any of the rules...but because it was me and I clearly have not been impressed by Microsoft to the point I'm rightly relentlessly critical of the company's decisions, it can be interpreted as flaming

Let's add some context...You were banned from Microsoft discussions.

So, you posted an analysis of Switch/PS4/XBox One in the Club Nintendo topic.

Raven (not a mod) politely explained the issue."This isn't a thread to be used for prepping people to engage in console wars or list wars of game ratings around the forum. I think people do a well enough job keeping the topic on Nintendo and the things people are looking forward to when it comes to Nintendo related games and topics, I'd prefer if that continued."

Since you stopped there, we didn't feel the need to do anything further.

You should have probably figured at this point that the Playstation Nation forum wasn't the place for that either, but apparently not... so you posted the same thing there. This is how you introduced your analysis...

"So, I figured I'd share some great PS (And Ninendo) data since some people have been asking me in PM to share some positivity. You all know by now how I'm very much so a person who tries to use data to explain why a thing is good - in this case the PS4 - so here's some proof."

And... let's see how it ended...

"Just some tasty, tasty data for you all to munch on and use if you ever wanna argue about Xbox vs Playstation. the numbers are all right there, it's not my fault Xbox can't diversify or release enough games to bolster their console.

Oh, and of those 24 games on Xbox's list? 13 of them are either Halo, Gears of War, or Forza games. They also have TitanFall, a handful of indies, and a few other games like Dead Rising 3 and Rare Replay and Sunset Overdrive. Notably absent from this list were games like Dead Rising 4 (72), Rise: Son of Rome (60), Crackdown 3 (60), State of Decay 2 (66), and Sea of Thieves (69). I can only go by the data, not the subjective opinion that 'it's better now'. There are a few Switch games below the threshold like Daemon X Machina (69), Fire Emblem Warriors (74), and Marvel Ultimate alliance 3 (73). So it's not like I was just cutting Xbox games off without cause. I set a number and the threshold for Green on Metacritic seems as good as one could expect."

So, you started off acting like you just wanted to share some positive Sony news (what this topic is for), but in reality, it seems like your main objective was to bash Microsoft. So, it's a bad faith post which is strike one.

Strike 2 is that, justified or not (I don't have access to your data, but I remember finding extremely sketchy details in their like iirc Nier Automata being listed for Sony twice in two different versions, despite the fact that Nier: Become as Gods is available on XBone and contains pretty much all the same content), that's not what this thread is for.

That's the problem in a nutshell. You don't think Microsoft's first party lineup is great. Fine. You were allowed to say so. You got into long drawn out conversations that wound up going in circles, so you were told to move on, and ignored multiple thread warnings. Then you brought it up in a Nintendo fan thread and were told that's really not what the thread is for. So, you brought it to the Playstation fan thread instead.

You're allowed to say you don't like MS first party software. I'm not super keen on it myself. But even without the over the top nature (I believe you've compared XBox fans to abused spouses and confederacy supporters at times) and the personal attacks, at a certain point a valid opinion on its own can become a problem if it's repeated over and over and in inappropriate places.

"if this isn't the case, if this isn't the real reason, and if this isn't why I'm constantly getting banned, nobody has taken the time to explain it to me. It is their site, if they want me gone because my criticism is ruining it for others, that's fine. It's their site. If they were just like 'hey, we don't like your negativity', then that'd be different. Instead they cite flaming as the reason when what I've done in the past is not flaming at all, just as an excuse to justify a ban."

Here are the quotes from some of the bans that have been for flaming...

"So yeah, you might be best to just not engage him. He writes as much as I do but has nothing to say, really. He's probably paid by the Xbox division to talk them up or something. It's the most logical explanation for his irrational love for the brand."

You are attacking the person and their motivations rather than anything they've said. Hence, flaming.

"I keep hearing about 'Sony's Lies' and people complaining about them and I can't help but laugh at you all. you're all just looking for excuses to bitch. Why? What good does negativity get you? Pathetic. Seriously pathetic."

Again, simply attacking people. That's flaming.

"You are literally a part of the problem that has been stopping the rest of us from making positive change in the world becuase of your outdated, ignorant views on many things, most notably your concept of masculinity."

Again, attacking a user, not their argument. And don't try the ol' "Well I was right they were being pathetic/he really is a shill/he really is preventing progress" because moderation is not based on whether or not we agree with your assessments.

You can argue with whether or not you consider them flaming, but don't act like we're just pulling this out of our ass. As I explained, focus on ideas and not on people. (Although I feel a couple of posts reported as flaming could have been better labeled as trolling).

"I've seen the bias on all sides, and what I say and do is NOWHERE NEAR as bad as like 95% of it on the site."

Nobody, you included, has been banned simply for being biased.

"So yeah, I'm still a little salty about it because even when I'm trying to be good or neutral or non-inflammatory, I keep getting banned. That's why I hardly post on here anymore. I always assume every post - no matter how benign - will get me banned. and now that I'm on the 'last warning' stage, I just assume I'll be booted at any time for having a preference, voicing that preference, and offering facts and data to support why I have that preference. But hey, if anyone has deeper insight into the problem I'd be happy to hear it! As of now, though, 'being too critical of microsoft' seems to be the culprit, as far as I can tell."

That's pretty much what everyone who gets banned says, and it gets old tbh. That we're just banning them cause we don't like their opinion or we just have some completely arbitrary dislike of a person who we only know by a screen name. But, really no.

You're getting banned because you frequently attack users instead of arguments, are often posting things in topics where they don't belong, and have trouble leaving well enough alone when a conversation is going in circles. There's your insight.

And your last ban was for complaining about moderation... so... that insight didn't help you, cause you're doing it again. We don't like to do that in threads because it puts us in a position where either we could ignore it and let your account go uncontradicted, or we could do what I'm doing now and reply and tell you that you cannot respond which makes it seem like we're being unfair. It's a lose lose. 

I think the issues have been explained as clearly as possible. You could PM for further clarification, but I don't what else can be said. 

To be clear...

Nobody should be responding to this in thread. If you have an issue, PM me, although I probably won't get back to you this week as I'll be busy. Thread is to talk about upcoming PlayStation stuff you're excited about, so do that.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 06 February 2021

NoCtiS_NoX said:

What happened to this forum? Where's the PS crowds?

Many casual PS users have moved to reddit, discord, twitter, resetera, neogaf, etc. VGC hasn't been the greatest place for PS users for a couple of years now. Toxic fanboys are lining up to shit in the individual threads whereas mega threads (such as this one) need to have an active OP in order to attract and sustain users.

Plenty of PS related stuff is being discussed elsewhere that could be posted here:

Silent Hill composer teases reveal with "I think it's the one you're hoping to hear about" (link)
Creator of Tetris Effect and Rez is working on a PS5 game utilising 3D audio and haptic feedback (link)
Next game from Itagaki, creator of modern Ninja Gaiden, is rumored to be multiplat (link)
Aspyr Media (ported Jedi Knight 2 and Jedi Academy to PS4) possibly making a new KOTOR (link)
Resident Evil 8 has 3D audio, no load times, and is longer than RE7 (link)
More indications that SIE San Diego is developing a new Uncharted game (link)
Jeff Grubb possibly teasing Elden Ring news to come soon (link)
The Last of Us: Part 2 PS5 patch and Death Stranding: Extended Edition are rumored (link)
Final Fantasy XIV releases on PS5 in April, new expansion "Endwalker" coming Fall 2021 (link)
Other PS5 games that are releasing soon (Disco Elysium, Returnal, and Kena)
Kraken Compression on PS5 is shrinking game installs considerably (link)
Spider-Man: Miles Morales sold 4.1m in 7 weeks – Nov 12 to Dec 31 (link)
Sony acquires a 1.9% stake in FromSoftware owner, Kadokawa Corporation (link)
Sony will start to make console games under the Aniplex label starting with Demon Slayer (link)
Sony has fully recovered since the dark days and is now expecting $10b in profits for FY2020 (link)
Sony aims to make more investments for growth in FY2021 than they did in FY2020 (link)

PS4 exclusives that can be played in 60fps on PS5:
- God of War
- Ghost of Tsushima
- Days Gone
- Miles Morales
- Sackboy: A Big Adventure
- Dreams
- Shadow of the Colossus
- Infamous: Second Son + First Light
- The Last of Us Remastered
- Killzone: Shadow Fall
- Knack 2
- Until Dawn
- The Last Guardian (disc only)
- Nioh 1 + 2 (120fps)

Most requested PS4 exclusives to receive a 60fps patch:
- Bloodborne
- The Last of Us: Part 2
- Uncharted 4
- Horizon: Zero Dawn
- Death Stranding

Last edited by Replicant - on 06 February 2021

Playing PS4 almost non stop since November. After finishing YLAD (felt refreshing for a JRPG esp after how disappointing FF7R is) I'm ready to dive back into anime JRPG on Switch. Put my poor PS4 through the paces I had a couple HDD's die lol.

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!

I'm very late on starting the game, but finished Batman The Enemy Within and besides some issues (like the subtitles seem like cut and paste from google translator, some missing sound, and models being defective) I really liked it and was a Batman story like I had never experienced before.

Now I'm playing Control thanks to plus (yep I don't pay for the multiplayer and the cloud saving haven't really helped me, but some of the free games were worthy enough. plat some CoD, Just Cause and Far Cry that I probably wouldn't ever bought, but with pandemic I had more play time and less available money so a lot of older plus gifted games were played). Back to Control, the game so far is nice enough but some terrible bugs in it, the biggest one for me (besides also having bad subtitle) is whenever you pause the game when you resume it will freeze and stutter for about 5 to 10s before jumping to normality (I think this may have something to do with their implementation of reconstruction), I play on Pro.

duduspace11 "Well, since we are estimating costs, Pokemon Red/Blue did cost Nintendo about $50m to make back in 1996"

Mr Puggsly: "Hehe, I said good profit. You said big profit. Frankly, not losing money is what I meant by good. Don't get hung up on semantics"

Azzanation: "PS5 wouldn't sold out at launch without scalpers."

Finally got my last trophy on Spider-Man Remastered on PS5 last night. Mainlined the story as fast as possible, got the 'ultimate difficulty' trophy. I am ready to move Miles Morales.

My Console Library:

PS5, Switch, XSX

PS4, PS3, PS2, PS1, WiiU, Wii, GCN, N64 SNES, XBO, 360

3DS, DS, GBA, Vita, PSP, Android