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Forums - Website Topics - "Likes" Enhancement


Should "Likes" display the list of users?

Yes! 51 63.75%
No! 29 36.25%
potato_hamster said:
JEMC said:

Me? As I said earlier in the thread, my view on the like system is to allow people to get involved in a thread without the need of those "+1" or "agreed" comments.

Now, what do you think is the meaning of thie system?

I don't possibly see how people hitting like on a post are more involved in the thread then reading it and nodding in agreement themselves, or posting a "+1" comment. Both are, for all intents and purposes,  uninvolved in any meaningful way. A VGChartz member that never comments and only likes posts is not an involved member of the community.

And the meaning of a like system entirely depends on how it's implemented, and the community that uses it, so I can't answer that question. It can mean a variety of different things

I think you're jusding this feature by your own view and fon't see that not everybody is or acts the same as you. I've found myself on a situation where I wanted to post something but, after reading the comments, I found that someone else had already said what I wanted to say... and in a much better way than I would have done it.

Since I'm not a fan of the "+1" or "agree" comments, I usually leave that thread without posting anything. This like agree feature won't change the fact that someone else has been faster than me, but will allow me to at least click that button to, somehow, get involved in it.

At least you agree that this feature will be good or bad according to how we use it, not because the tool itself.

kirby007 said:
TalonMan said:

I did it to prove a point...

Better point would have been that digg died, we aint reddit and lots of websites use your system. And then slap a ban on him for being a troll

Now, now, there's no need to go that far. potato_hamster may be very stubborn about this, but he's not doing anything against the rules and he should be banned for that (btw, I know it's a joke, but I also know that some people won't see it as such).

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

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