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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Dark Souls Switch delayed to Summer 2018

Maybe it was a network issue? Wouldn't be the first time Nintendo's craptastic online caused problems for 3rd parties...

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That stinks. Oh well, at least I'll have more time to finish the games I need to finish on my Nintendo Switch, 3DS, and PS4 Pro.

I wonder what the reason is for the Switch version of the game being delayed.

Why not just delay all of the other versions to release with it? I

The Democratic Nintendo that a paradox? I'm fond of one of the more conservative companies in the industry, but I vote Liberally and view myself that way 90% of the time?

KrspaceT said:
Why not just delay all of the other versions to release with it? I

Why delay the other versions when they don't need to be delayed?

I'm probably gonna get trashed for saying this but I would've been way less pissed if all versions were delayed instead of just the Switch version. The fact that Nintendo got the first reveal and the Marketing for the game only to have that version get delayed is really upsetting to me...

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Shaqazooloo0 said:
I'm probably gonna get trashed for saying this but I would've been way less pissed if all versions were delayed instead of just the Switch version. The fact that Nintendo got the first reveal and the Marketing for the game only to have that version get delayed is really upsetting to me...

Again, why would they delay the other versions because the Switch version is having trouble? If they are ready there is no point in delaying them.

VGPolyglot said:
Shaqazooloo0 said:
I'm probably gonna get trashed for saying this but I would've been way less pissed if all versions were delayed instead of just the Switch version. The fact that Nintendo got the first reveal and the Marketing for the game only to have that version get delayed is really upsetting to me...

Again, why would they delay the other versions because the Switch version is having trouble? If they are ready there is no point in delaying them.

To keep it day and date I guess? I mean, Nintendo were the ones marketing it pretty much and it could've performed well but now it may loss some sales.

I don't know, i'm just really salty tbh.

Shaqazooloo0 said:
VGPolyglot said:

Again, why would they delay the other versions because the Switch version is having trouble? If they are ready there is no point in delaying them.

To keep it day and date I guess? I mean, Nintendo were the ones marketing it pretty much and it could've performed well but now it may loss some sales.

I don't know, i'm just really salty tbh.

I could understand your logic if it was Ubisoft since they did that for Rayman Legends, but this is a different company.

Well there is always Commander Video & RUNNER 3

*where our Commander Video Amiibo?

KrspaceT said:
Why not just delay all of the other versions to release with it? I

Because the "issue" they ran into sounds like its a Switch problem? and they already stated when it was launching.
Delaying the other's when their ready... simply because they ran into issues with the switch? why?