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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Dark Souls Switch delayed to Summer 2018

Hynad said:
Nautilus said:

Not complaining wont fix the issue either.So what do you propose?Sit by idily, making no pressure, and the companies will listen?

Im not saying that they are doing this on purpose per say.Just that they are either being really inneficient with this, or simply being incompetent.Being incompetent by either not being sure your game will be ready by the time you said it would, or by announcing something that isnt even in production yet.I mean, people looooove to complain that only Nintendo fans do that when its their console is concerned, but what about all the complaining about KH III taking so long to come out?Or about FF 7 Remake?Are they all too Sony fanboys that dont know what they are talking about, that dont know how game development work and thus cant complain about it?See where this leads, especially since that line of argument is far from the truth?

If this were you, and you screwed up something on your job, there would be consequences, one of which could be termination of your job.I know that the companies dont own us anything and all, but even between two friend or two colegues, your word should mean something and when you break it, you should be ready for some kind of consequence.Thats what i mean.

The game isn't your job, and you're not the dev's boss. Right?

Do you put yourself to those same standards for everything?

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VGPolyglot said:
Nautilus said:

*facepalm* But hopes and expectations are the same thing.You are comparing apples to apples.To expect something to happen is to hope for that something to happen.I dont know what there is not to understand.Look, what you mean is this, something I have already written some posts ago:

"What you are saying and what you mean is, is to keep the expectations in check.Expectations will be there regardless, but depending on how big they are, you be more dissapointed, or less dissapointed.But the expectation will be there regardless."

Just substitute expectation for hope, and you get your answer.

Hope and expectation are not the same thing. Hope is an indication of doubt, while expectation doesn't imply that there is doubt.

No.Not exactly anyways.

Hope is something that you believe that will happen, but has the chance for it to not happen, which is why you hope for tomorrow to be sunny for example.While expectation is something that you think will happen, because you are somewhat sure that that prediction you make will become true, but its not a fact yet, thus not also being uncertain.Maybe you use expectation when you are more sure of something than when you use hope, but both express doubt, or rather, they both cant confirm or give hard certainty that the thing tyou either expect or hope will happen.

My (locked) thread about how difficulty should be a decision for the developers, not the gamers.

Nautilus said:
VGPolyglot said:

Hope and expectation are not the same thing. Hope is an indication of doubt, while expectation doesn't imply that there is doubt.

No.Not exactly anyways.

Hope is something that you believe that will happen, but has the chance for it to not happen, which is why you hope for tomorrow to be sunny for example.While expectation is something that you think will happen, because you are somewhat sure that that prediction you make will become true, but its not a fact yet, thus not also being uncertain.Maybe you use expectation when you are more sure of something than when you use hope, but both express doubt, or rather, they both cant confirm or give hard certainty that the thing tyou either expect or hope will happen.

You're arguing what I meant when I said hope and expectations? I'm the one that brought up the terms hope and expectations in my post, so I know exactly what I meant when I said them. 

Nautilus said:

Well, we are at a forum dedicated to videogame news.And one that speciallizes on sales at that.So I guess its normal to expect people to care about these sort of things, like I kind of do.The same way that I can fully agree that what you proposed can work for everyone, or most of us anyway, the same can be said for the other side of the coin:Why does it bother you so much about people being passionate, lets leave it at that, about this subject?Why cant this be as valid as an answer to this news as the one you proposed?

The most likely answer to that question is:In this particular topic and question at hand, you are not as impacted or care as much as other people.

Because those people making the game are not out to get us gamers. 

And I'm not impacted by those delays. True. Even for delays for games I eagerly anticipate, I'm not affected enough to complain and call the developers incompetents as if I knew better than them about game making and the exact reasons for such delays.

Point is, there's really nothing any gamers can do to make delays not happen. Complaining about it only brings a negative atmosphere. Yet as you said, we're here because we love gaming. I don't think being negative is the right way to show it.

VGPolyglot said:
Nautilus said:

No.Not exactly anyways.

Hope is something that you believe that will happen, but has the chance for it to not happen, which is why you hope for tomorrow to be sunny for example.While expectation is something that you think will happen, because you are somewhat sure that that prediction you make will become true, but its not a fact yet, thus not also being uncertain.Maybe you use expectation when you are more sure of something than when you use hope, but both express doubt, or rather, they both cant confirm or give hard certainty that the thing tyou either expect or hope will happen.

You're arguing what I meant when I said hope and expectations? I'm the one that brought up the terms hope and expectations in my post, so I know exactly what I meant when I said them. 

I was just saying why you were wrong, but with that post you seem to agree with my definition.Good!End of discussion.

My (locked) thread about how difficulty should be a decision for the developers, not the gamers.

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Nautilus said:
VGPolyglot said:

You're arguing what I meant when I said hope and expectations? I'm the one that brought up the terms hope and expectations in my post, so I know exactly what I meant when I said them. 

I was just saying why you were wrong, but with that post you seem to agree with my definition.Good!End of discussion.

OK, I'll admit I was wrong if it makes you feel better.

Hynad said:
Nautilus said:

Well, we are at a forum dedicated to videogame news.And one that speciallizes on sales at that.So I guess its normal to expect people to care about these sort of things, like I kind of do.The same way that I can fully agree that what you proposed can work for everyone, or most of us anyway, the same can be said for the other side of the coin:Why does it bother you so much about people being passionate, lets leave it at that, about this subject?Why cant this be as valid as an answer to this news as the one you proposed?

The most likely answer to that question is:In this particular topic and question at hand, you are not as impacted or care as much as other people.

Because those people making the game are not out to get us gamers. 

And I'm not impacted by those delays. True. Even for delays for games I eagerly anticipate, I'm not affected enough to complain and call the developers incompetents as if I knew better than them about game making and the exact reasons for such delays.

Point is, there's really nothing any gamers can do to make delays not happen. Complaining about it only brings a negative atmosphere. Yet as you said, we're here because we love gaming. I don't think being negative is the right way to show it.

But we are not beings that are positive all the time.there is stuff that pisses us off, and holding on to that anger is not healthy.This delay in particular might not affect you, but it affect others in a more personal way, so i think its more than fine to complain, as long as you respect the other users(such as calling anmes and all).I do know you for a while, and I know that you dont love every single user here.As for me, it dosent bother nearly as much as it does to you.People ticks in different ways.We just need to learn to be more respectful, as long as the others are respectful, of course.Oh, and about your first sentence.We also dont cultivate our food, but that dosent stop us from complaining about the companies that make them, no?

And I mean, you are being negative about people being negative.On your own words:Whats in there for you to gain for addint to the negative atmosphere?

My (locked) thread about how difficulty should be a decision for the developers, not the gamers.

VGPolyglot said:
Nautilus said:

I was just saying why you were wrong, but with that post you seem to agree with my definition.Good!End of discussion.

OK, I'll admit I was wrong if it makes you feel better.

It does.Thanks!

My (locked) thread about how difficulty should be a decision for the developers, not the gamers.

Nautilus said:
Hynad said:

Because those people making the game are not out to get us gamers. 

And I'm not impacted by those delays. True. Even for delays for games I eagerly anticipate, I'm not affected enough to complain and call the developers incompetents as if I knew better than them about game making and the exact reasons for such delays.

Point is, there's really nothing any gamers can do to make delays not happen. Complaining about it only brings a negative atmosphere. Yet as you said, we're here because we love gaming. I don't think being negative is the right way to show it.

But we are not beings that are positive all the time.there is stuff that pisses us off, and holding on to that anger is not healthy.This delay in particular might not affect you, but it affect others in a more personal way, so i think its more than fine to complain, as long as you respect the other users(such as calling anmes and all).I do know you for a while, and I know that you dont love every single user here.As for me, it dosent bother nearly as much as it does to you.People ticks in different ways.We just need to learn to be more respectful, as long as the others are respectful, of course.Oh, and about your first sentence.We also dont cultivate our food, but that dosent stop us from complaining about the companies that make them, no?

And I mean, you are being negative about people being negative.On your own words:Whats in there for you to gain for addint to the negative atmosphere?

I don't see where I complained here.

AngryLittleAlchemist said:


Oh wait ... this is third party? 


I mean uhhh, second class treatment, second class citizens. Unfair! Unfair! SONY probably PAID THEM to do it!!!

I don't get what's the point in this comment.

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