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Nautilus said:
Hynad said:

Because those people making the game are not out to get us gamers. 

And I'm not impacted by those delays. True. Even for delays for games I eagerly anticipate, I'm not affected enough to complain and call the developers incompetents as if I knew better than them about game making and the exact reasons for such delays.

Point is, there's really nothing any gamers can do to make delays not happen. Complaining about it only brings a negative atmosphere. Yet as you said, we're here because we love gaming. I don't think being negative is the right way to show it.

But we are not beings that are positive all the time.there is stuff that pisses us off, and holding on to that anger is not healthy.This delay in particular might not affect you, but it affect others in a more personal way, so i think its more than fine to complain, as long as you respect the other users(such as calling anmes and all).I do know you for a while, and I know that you dont love every single user here.As for me, it dosent bother nearly as much as it does to you.People ticks in different ways.We just need to learn to be more respectful, as long as the others are respectful, of course.Oh, and about your first sentence.We also dont cultivate our food, but that dosent stop us from complaining about the companies that make them, no?

And I mean, you are being negative about people being negative.On your own words:Whats in there for you to gain for addint to the negative atmosphere?

I don't see where I complained here.