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VGPolyglot said:
Nautilus said:

*facepalm* But hopes and expectations are the same thing.You are comparing apples to apples.To expect something to happen is to hope for that something to happen.I dont know what there is not to understand.Look, what you mean is this, something I have already written some posts ago:

"What you are saying and what you mean is, is to keep the expectations in check.Expectations will be there regardless, but depending on how big they are, you be more dissapointed, or less dissapointed.But the expectation will be there regardless."

Just substitute expectation for hope, and you get your answer.

Hope and expectation are not the same thing. Hope is an indication of doubt, while expectation doesn't imply that there is doubt.

No.Not exactly anyways.

Hope is something that you believe that will happen, but has the chance for it to not happen, which is why you hope for tomorrow to be sunny for example.While expectation is something that you think will happen, because you are somewhat sure that that prediction you make will become true, but its not a fact yet, thus not also being uncertain.Maybe you use expectation when you are more sure of something than when you use hope, but both express doubt, or rather, they both cant confirm or give hard certainty that the thing tyou either expect or hope will happen.

My (locked) thread about how difficulty should be a decision for the developers, not the gamers.