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Forums - Sales Discussion - Amazon U.S. April bestsellers and general Amazon-based discussion

quickrick said:
peachbuggy said:

I'd like to see the source of this.

i was wrong, it was much closer, mario still out sold it though. mario 3d land is sold/shipped 370k, vs 360k for animal crossing


Super Mario 3D Land - 11.40 million pcs.
Animal Crossing: New Leaf - 11.23 million pcs. second quarter

last quarter

11.77 mario

animal crossing 11.59


Important note: Almost half of acnl sales coming from Japan, while for SM3DL  a 15-20%...

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CGI-Quality said:
quickrick said:

remember when i told you amazon would be wrong and you got upset, 2 months in a row amazon is wrong.

We’ve discussed this enough. You either drop it or you’re going to find yourself in trouble.


Edit: didn't see the warning, sorry.

Looks like numbers for this month are:

PS4 - 361K
NSW - 308K
XB1 - 302K

I was super spot on with PS4 and XB1 this month. Switch too, pretty much about what i expected, but i tried to win the bet until it wasn't over lol

Congrats Quickrick, a bet is a bet, i'll wait.

That line up seriusly hurted Switch Q1 way more than i expected.

Ryng_Tolu said:

Looks like numbers for this month are:

PS4 - 361K
NSW - 308K
XB1 - 302K

I was super spot on with PS4 and XB1 this month. Switch too, pretty much about what i expected, but i tried to win the bet until it wasn't over lol

Congrats Quickrick, a bet is a bet, i'll wait.

That line up seriusly hurted Switch Q1 way more than i expected.

just use my pic as you avatar, lol. 

Around the Network

Looks like 3DS did 132K this month.

3DS sales history in March:

March 2011 - 398,000 (launch month, or to be correct, week)
March 2012 - 225,000
March 2013 - 235,000
March 2014 - 159,000
March 2015 - 263,000 (the month after New 3DS launch)
March 2016 - 171,000
March 2017 - 111,000
March 2018 - 132,000

Ryng_Tolu said:
Looks like 3DS did 132K this month.

3DS sales history in March:

March 2011 - 398,000 (launch month, or to be correct, week)
March 2012 - 225,000
March 2013 - 235,000
March 2014 - 159,000
March 2015 - 263,000 (the month after New 3DS launch)
March 2016 - 171,000
March 2017 - 111,000
March 2018 - 132,000

3DS did pretty well for being year 8 and no more big software releases. April should be decent too with the price cuts at Wal Mart and Amazon. 

Ryng_Tolu said:
Looks like 3DS did 132K this month.

3DS sales history in March:

March 2011 - 398,000 (launch month, or to be correct, week)
March 2012 - 225,000
March 2013 - 235,000
March 2014 - 159,000
March 2015 - 263,000 (the month after New 3DS launch)
March 2016 - 171,000
March 2017 - 111,000
March 2018 - 132,000

Who are you !

Oneeee-Chan!!! said:
Ryng_Tolu said:
Looks like 3DS did 132K this month.

3DS sales history in March:

March 2011 - 398,000 (launch month, or to be correct, week)
March 2012 - 225,000
March 2013 - 235,000
March 2014 - 159,000
March 2015 - 263,000 (the month after New 3DS launch)
March 2016 - 171,000
March 2017 - 111,000
March 2018 - 132,000

Who are you !

Wow... Labo reached #1 on US. Beating those PS cards is no small feat. 

Quick update

Last edited by nero - on 20 April 2018