quickrick said:
nero said:
Two times in the same week, damn! Nintendo, what are you doing to your fluffky pink ball? It´s rolling in the deep of a cliff.
The Nintendo Amiibo Pearl & Marina pre-orders of Splatoon 2 are up and straight to number 3
Ryng_Tolu said:
I'm ready, and you!?
looks like you lost that bet buddy, how do you feel?
UltimateGamer1982 said:
I will eat if switch loses Feb NPD
you ready for that crow.
Well, guess i'll copy paste the ERA message:
It's not over yet :P but it's starting to looks hard i'll give you that lol
While Switch must be surely under my expectation for the month, i think the 30% gap between the 2 is more because of PS4 doing better than expected.
Indeed Magicpork said Switch is still on track for selling as Nintendo expected.
Total hardware sales was up 38% compared to last year, i'm making some estimates and right now i figure that total hardware could be 1.2/1.3 million for the month. ( but that's an estimate)
If so, we should looking at PS4 in the ~400K range and Switch at 300-310K.
If so, it has to sell more in March than in February, this will be hard but not impossible. Until March the bet is not over. :P