Even download sales fired up! Don't know if this has happened before with other NS game
Last edited by CGI-Quality - on 16 March 2018Even download sales fired up! Don't know if this has happened before with other NS game
Last edited by CGI-Quality - on 16 March 2018How long is Smash Bros. gonna stay in the top 5? It's been glued to that position for almost week now, usually games start to dip down shortly after becoming available.
I'm amused that the digital download version costs more than the physical version.
Shaqazooloo0 said: How long is Smash Bros. gonna stay in the top 5? It's been glued to that position for almost week now, usually games start to dip down shortly after becoming availabl |
I think the effect of people noticing the announce lately cause you know not everybody is as aware as us and to point out Ndirect view counter has been growing since the day it streamed going from 2m to 3.1M and on going that without counting memes and exposure through social media.
solo se hablar español
There are 21 Nintendo Switch games in the Amazon top 100 right now!
"The strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must" - Thoukydides
Kirby without being in stock bumped from 29 to 4 beating Smash in the US! Damn impressive I must say
Anyone else wish Amazon had a world chart?? Be kinda cool to see what the overall best sellers are globally.
nero said: Kirby without being in stock bumped from 29 to 4 beating Smash in the US! Damn impressive I must say |
Looks like it's sold out again
PortisheadBiscuit said:
Looks like it's sold out again |
Two times in the same week, damn! Nintendo, what are you doing to your fluffky pink ball? It´s rolling in the deep of a cliff.
The Nintendo Amiibo Pearl & Marina pre-orders of Splatoon 2 are up and straight to number 3
Last edited by CGI-Quality - on 16 March 2018
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