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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Nintendo Switch has sold-in (shipped) 14.86 million, 3DS 72 million, Nintendo's FY 2017 Nine Months Earnings

zorg1000 said:
JSG87 said:
It doesn't really matter whether is sold through or not. It all means exactly the same to Nintendo.


acdcste said:

Again it’s not rocket science. Nintendo don’t care whether it’s shipped or sold through. Shipped means sold. Really don’t know what the hang up is. Arguing over sold through seems bizzare when it’s sold either way!

It does matter, this site tracks sell through so in order for this site to be most accurate than we need to know whether Nintendo is reporting shipped or sold (its shipped).

I understand that in relation to this site. I’m just saying that shipped to Nintendo is sold either way. 

Around the Network

So with the success of the Fire emblem and Xenoblade series, can we expect to see the last story 2 on switch? :P

FiveOVER said:
So with the success of the Fire emblem and Xenoblade series, can we expect to see the last story 2 on switch? :P

What were the fire emblem warriors numbers? I appear to have missed those somehow.

Nice! Hopefully the trend keeps up.

In that picture in the OP, what is that awful blue machine below the Switch and the 3DS?

JSG87 said:
Barkley said:

It does matter because if it was sold-through that means it would have shipped 16m+ units.

Shipping 14.8m and Shipping 16m+ doesn't mean the same thing to Nintendo.


No it doesn't. Whether it's 14.8 shipped or 14.8 sold through, to Nintendo the money I'd already in their bank!

You're not understanding what I'm saying.... sold-through will be the lower of the two numbers, so if the number is sold-through then the Switch has shipped more units, thus Nintendo have more money.

EG. 13.5m sold to conusmers, 14.8m shipped isn't as good as 14.8m sold to consumers, 16m shipped.

Around the Network
CGI-Quality said:
OTBWY said:

Lol. Why didn't you just let me keep the original title?


I swear if I have to change it tomorrow I should be given mod status.

Well, because info has been changing and circulating. Also, don't change a title changed by a Mod. ;P

Notorious thunder stealers.

Well, you should keep an eye on the conference tomorrow. Should give definitive answers. IMO the title should just say sold for now. Because that's the only thing we now for sure.

Barkley said:
JSG87 said:


No it doesn't. Whether it's 14.8 shipped or 14.8 sold through, to Nintendo the money I'd already in their bank!

You're not understanding what I'm saying.... sold-through will be the lower of the two numbers, so if the number is sold-through then the Switch has shipped more units, thus Nintendo have more money.

EG. 13.5m sold to conusmers, 14.8m shipped isn't as good as 14.8m sold to consumers, 16m shipped.

I am understanding but you arw clearly not getting what I'm saying. I'm not talking in relation to vgchartz. I'm just saying to Nintendo is doesn't matter.

Kwaidd said:
Wyrdness said:

Typo although it could outsell N64 Jan 2019

The whole quote didn't attach for some reason...or maybe i screwed up, which is more likely.  The date of 2021 was mentioned, which raised a thought in my mind.  I am wondering if we will see Switch hold out that long, tbh.  Nintendo seems to be on an approx 4-5 year cycle on its consoles, and with mobile tech advancing like it is, it begs the question if a Switch 2.0 will drop sooner than later to stay relevant.

Imo Switch could be around for maybe 7 years as right now it has no direct competition for the portable space which gives it a lot of breathing space.

JSG87 said:
Barkley said:

You're not understanding what I'm saying.... sold-through will be the lower of the two numbers, so if the number is sold-through then the Switch has shipped more units, thus Nintendo have more money.

EG. 13.5m sold to conusmers, 14.8m shipped isn't as good as 14.8m sold to consumers, 16m shipped.

I am understanding but you arw clearly not getting what I'm saying. I'm not talking in relation to vgchartz. I'm just saying to Nintendo is doesn't matter.

Shipping more units doesn't matter????

Very, very impressive

I had my doubts before the system launched but this is better than what most anticipated

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