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Silly question, but have you attempted the "Restore PS3" utility in the system menu or tried the "hard reset" trick? It's possible your system incorrectly updated the firmware or some action in the system software has corrupted the program that executes what operates the system reading a disc. Don't panic, try "Restore PS3" and restore settings+format HDD or do a "hard reset". Edit: Before you do, be sure to make backup copies of game saves, photos, videos, etc.

All you touch and all you see is all your life will ever be.

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Chrizum said:
I was just thinking, it died when I purchased Mario Kart Wii... strange coincidence, or...?

 No nintendo wouldn't want you to break the ps3 so you buy a new one and help sony out. 

Chrizum said:
Ok, what to do? My PS3 doesn't read my games anymore, and when it does read them (it occasionally happens), the game has no sound or crashes after a while. I have no receipt, but the console is less than a year old.

I'll call Sony tomorrow, but I heard they can be a bitch about replacing consoles...

 I actually had a faulty launch system and had to send mine back. It's only an annoying process because the call will probably take a good hour or so getting all of the system info and everything. Just wondering, have you tried a different disc because those sound like things a scratched disc would do. One more thing... did you use a credit card because they can check the date of purchase that way.

Keep your head up. Sony's customer service wasn't bad to me like most people make it seem. I had a problem with my PSP's UMD flap and they sent me a box and replaced it with a new one without more hassle than to go to a UPS and drop off the defective one.

PS3 Trophies

Don't whine but thats what you get for buying high end electronics second hand.

You just cant trust the people with stuff like that, theres no way to know the history of the product.

You are better of buying new.

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sc94597 said:
Chrizum said:
I was just thinking, it died when I purchased Mario Kart Wii... strange coincidence, or...?

 No nintendo wouldn't want you to break the ps3 so you buy a new one and help sony out. 

Actually Nintendo use's an algorythm in mario cart through the wifi that detects the PS3 and screws with the software!

and they are also using mind control technology in the wii and the ds to make us buy thier products in mass!

the end is near the sky is falling!

No receipt eh?
Did you buy it with your credit card maybe you can get information that you bought from them.

Uhhh... since when do you need a receipt for a repair?

Twice I sent in my Wii, no receipt needed.

Sent in my PS2 a couple years back and did not need one, they actually fixed it for free and it was about 3 years old.

Haven't sent in my 360 yet so I can't comment. *knocks on wood*

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Well its inevitable that a small percentage of any hardware device will have a failure rate. Rumors abound using it to play Blu-Ray will shorten its life though I doubt it would happen this early.

Sony has great customer service, they should repair it for free receipt or not.

You probably shouldn't buy consoles second-hand in the future. As you won't be able to prove original purchase date, etc.