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Forums - Movies & TV - The Marvelous Marvel Rewatch (Now Playing: Avengers: Infinity War)


Best MCU sub-series?

Iron Man 1 3.03%
Thor 1 3.03%
Captain America 12 36.36%
The Avengers 9 27.27%
Guardians of the Galaxy 10 30.30%
mZuzek said:

Oh damn, we're already there? I just wanna watch the Guardians movies over and over right now it'll be hard to think about something else, but I'll try. If anything I was in more of a GotG-only mood yesterday than today, so I might just have to seize that opportunity!

Personally I'd rank Iron Man probably somewhere around #8 in the MCU or something. I don't have anything solid here, but off the top of my head it'll be thereabouts. It's a pretty great movie I would say is on par with Avengers, both of which I think Marvel has since surpassed with ease.

Edit: about the scores. Do we get decimals or is it whole numbers only? (and is 11/10 allowed? I might need it eventually lol)

Whole numbers, if you please :)

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Veknoid_Outcast said:
Just finished. Better than I remembered. Still in the #3 slot but could rise based on later rewatches.

My only complaint: the climactic battle. It just feels perfunctory, and some of the dialogue is right out of the super villain handbook.

Other than that, excellent across the board. Inspired casting, great dialogue, awesome chemistry, solid direction/editing, and a redemption arc that works. The action, however brief, is effective and personal. Just an outstanding way to kickstart a multi-movie experiment.


I pretty much agree with this assessment, although, upon rewatching it, I feel like the redemption arc is muddied a tad with him ending the movie arrogantly announcing to the world that he is Iron Man. I mean it was a great line, and a fun way to end the movie, but it rather undercuts his growth as a character. The movie starts with showing us how he was far too arrogant, self obsessed, and didn't really give a shit about anything other than his own amusement.....then we get his redemption arc, trying to change his ways, wanting to be more responsible, trying to actively be a force for good, etc.....and then with that last line he kinda just goes back to "Ya, this is all about me, how awesome I am, and how you guys should all pay lots of attention to me and my greatness!"

It's not a big deal in the grand scheme of this being a very good movie, but in hindsight, it should have been warning sign for the follow up movie, as they clearly were intent on having his character growth mean nothing, and bring him right back to where he was so they wouldn't have to think of anything new or compelling.

Anyway, 8/10 sounds about right. In my memory it was closer to a 9, but rewatching it I'd say 8 is definitely more appropriate.

Angelus said:
Veknoid_Outcast said:
Just finished. Better than I remembered. Still in the #3 slot but could rise based on later rewatches.

My only complaint: the climactic battle. It just feels perfunctory, and some of the dialogue is right out of the super villain handbook.

Other than that, excellent across the board. Inspired casting, great dialogue, awesome chemistry, solid direction/editing, and a redemption arc that works. The action, however brief, is effective and personal. Just an outstanding way to kickstart a multi-movie experiment.


I pretty much agree with this assessment, although, upon rewatching it, I feel like the redemption arc is muddied a tad with him ending the movie arrogantly announcing to the world that he is Iron Man. I mean it was a great line, and a fun way to end the movie, but it rather undercuts his growth as a character. The movie starts with showing us how he was far too arrogant, self obsessed, and didn't really give a shit about anything other than his own amusement.....then we get his redemption arc, trying to change his ways, wanting to be more responsible, trying to actively be a force for good, etc.....and then with that last line he kinda just goes back to "Ya, this is all about me, how awesome I am, and how you guys should all pay lots of attention to me and my greatness!"

It's not a big deal in the grand scheme of this being a very good movie, but in hindsight, it should have been warning sign for the follow up movie, as they clearly were intent on having his character growth mean nothing, and bring him right back to where he was so they wouldn't have to think of anything new or compelling.

Anyway, 8/10 sounds about right.

Fair enough. 

Also, I am so not looking forward to the Iron Man 2 rewatch...

I will add your score!

Veknoid_Outcast said:

Fair enough. 

Also, I am so not looking forward to the Iron Man 2 rewatch...

I will add your score!

That makes two of us

But least it introduced Black Widow

I just finished my own re-watch. I turned it off right after “I am Iron Man” so I hope I didn’t miss anything! 😂 It still holds up and I’ve probably seen this the most of any MCU film. I did similar rewatches for Avengers and Age of Ultron. Possibly also Iron Man 3. Unlike a certain other film I will not mention, Marvel clearly had a plan from the beginning. But they were wise to keep their early films independent and use tags (which everyone uses now) to sprinkle the ideas of a larger universe. Sadly, this would become less the method going forward where some films serve as just connectors to later films in the franchise (see the aforementioned Avengers 2).

The film just felt fun. I still smile when Tony goes for his first extended flight around Malibu. The film is also structured really well. With key points sprinkled throughout that payoff later (like the icing problem). Downey was a wise investment (and continues to be). Without him, the MCU could have fallen flat on its face right out the gate. And though I’ve come to enjoy the Captain America films more than the Iron Man ones (I think most can agree that the Iron Man sub-series will not hit this high again), I still worry for he day when Downey makes his exit from the franchise (possibly in Avengers 4).

8/10 for me. Currently ranked 1 out of 1

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Iron Man: 8/10. First 2/3 of the movie where it's not taken too seriously is the best part. Tony Stark goes through a realistic character development that makes sense given the context of the movie. He starts out as a carefree asshole who takes no personal responsibility for his actions and has to go through a situation that forces him to take some initiative. The action scenes have a tremendous amount of weight to them and I appreciate the fact the Iron Man actually kills people in the movie. Obadiah Stane isn't a particularly memorable villain, but Jeff Bridges does a good job with the material he is given and the motivations of the character make sense. The special effects were fantastic and I commend Jon Favereau for not making every action scene a CGI eyesore (almost). He realized that using spectacle and special effects sparingly has a much greater impact on the audience than pulling a Transformer and making every other scene a sterile, bland mess. Tony Stark's actions make sense and he goes through a character arc that sees him retain his personality.. but gain a newfound sense of responsibility. The ending scene where Stark admits he is Iron Man is fantastic.

Problems With The Movie:
- Terrance Howard (subjective opinion I suppose but I found him very bland and weak compared to the rest of the cast. Don Cheadle is much better). Not a huge deal
- Last 1/3 of the movie halts the consistent pace and tone the movie had. It reverts to a generic superhero movie ending with a blue laser shooting into the sky and any weight and impact the action scenes had is completely lost on this scene. I understand they had to have an exciting climax that would satisfy the audience... but it starts to fall into the conventions of superhero movies it had previously mocked.

Very solid movie that had a very underwhelming climax scene. Probably the 3rd best in the MCU.



Smartie900 said:
Iron Man: 8/10. First 2/3 of the movie where it's not taken too seriously is the best part. Tony Stark goes through a realistic character development that makes sense given the context of the movie. He starts out as a carefree asshole who takes no personal responsibility for his actions and has to go through a situation that forces him to take some initiative. The action scenes have a tremendous amount of weight to them and I appreciate the fact the Iron Man actually kills people in the movie. Obadiah Stane isn't a particularly memorable villain, but Jeff Bridges does a good job with the material he is given and the motivations of the character make sense. The special effects were fantastic and I commend Jon Favereau for not making every action scene a CGI eyesore (almost). He realized that using spectacle and special effects sparingly has a much greater impact on the audience than pulling a Transformer and making every other scene a sterile, bland mess. Tony Stark's actions make sense and he goes through a character arc that sees him retain his personality.. but gain a newfound sense of responsibility. The ending scene where Stark admits he is Iron Man is fantastic.

Problems With The Movie:
- Terrance Howard (subjective opinion I suppose but I found him very bland and weak compared to the rest of the cast. Don Cheadle is much better). Not a huge deal
- Last 1/3 of the movie halts the consistent pace and tone the movie had. It reverts to a generic superhero movie ending with a blue laser shooting into the sky and any weight and impact the action scenes had is completely lost on this scene. I understand they had to have an exciting climax that would satisfy the audience... but it starts to fall into the conventions of superhero movies it had previously mocked.

Very solid movie that had a very underwhelming climax scene. Probably the 3rd best in the MCU.

Wouldn’t it be amazing if one of these superhero movies ended with the bad guy being led away in handcuffs by the authorities? No blue sky laser, no light show, no boxing match between juggernauts, etc.

Iron Man is a smart, subversive take on the genre. It deserves a better final sequence.

Iron Man was good, main character has a ton of charisma and the movie is pretty well done, I think they nailed the tone of the film, not too serious, not too comedic, to me is a 7/10.

Veknoid_Outcast said:
Smartie900 said:
Iron Man: 8/10. First 2/3 of the movie where it's not taken too seriously is the best part. Tony Stark goes through a realistic character development that makes sense given the context of the movie. He starts out as a carefree asshole who takes no personal responsibility for his actions and has to go through a situation that forces him to take some initiative. The action scenes have a tremendous amount of weight to them and I appreciate the fact the Iron Man actually kills people in the movie. Obadiah Stane isn't a particularly memorable villain, but Jeff Bridges does a good job with the material he is given and the motivations of the character make sense. The special effects were fantastic and I commend Jon Favereau for not making every action scene a CGI eyesore (almost). He realized that using spectacle and special effects sparingly has a much greater impact on the audience than pulling a Transformer and making every other scene a sterile, bland mess. Tony Stark's actions make sense and he goes through a character arc that sees him retain his personality.. but gain a newfound sense of responsibility. The ending scene where Stark admits he is Iron Man is fantastic.

Problems With The Movie:
- Terrance Howard (subjective opinion I suppose but I found him very bland and weak compared to the rest of the cast. Don Cheadle is much better). Not a huge deal
- Last 1/3 of the movie halts the consistent pace and tone the movie had. It reverts to a generic superhero movie ending with a blue laser shooting into the sky and any weight and impact the action scenes had is completely lost on this scene. I understand they had to have an exciting climax that would satisfy the audience... but it starts to fall into the conventions of superhero movies it had previously mocked.

Very solid movie that had a very underwhelming climax scene. Probably the 3rd best in the MCU.

Wouldn’t it be amazing if one of these superhero movies ended with the bad guy being led away in handcuffs by the authorities? No blue sky laser, no light show, no boxing match between juggernauts, etc.

Iron Man is a smart, subversive take on the genre. It deserves a better final sequence.

Hello? Justin Hammer in Iron Man 2. Maybe you need this rewatch

Goodnightmoon said:
Iron Man was good, main character has a ton of charisma and the movie is pretty well done, I think they nailed the tone of the film, not too serious, not too comedic, to me is a 7/10.

Hey! Are you on board for the full rewatch? If so I’ll add you to the list :)