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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The Discussion Thread: The Greatest Games Event 2017 - FINISH YOUR LISTS

The_Liquid_Laser said:
S.Peelman said:

You're welcome. I assume you have it stuck in your head now?


Okay, time to add some more hints:

#20 This PS1 game is fantastic in its own right, but it also pays homage to every game in the series that came before it.
Hint 2: One of the characters in your party looks a lot like a character class you can pick in the first game on the NES.

#19 Tactical RPG in water color.
Hint 2: The setting of this game is a somewhat fantastical version of World War II in Europe.

#17 This fantasy co-op arcade game is the 2nd in the series. If you think about it, it's really a shoot 'em up.
Hint 2: "Traps make walls disappear."

#16 This 80's arcade game could be described as Minecraft with a bicycle pump.
Hint 2: This game was in Stranger Things 2.

20  sounds like FF. FFIX is my guess.

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The_Liquid_Laser said:
S.Peelman said:

You're welcome. I assume you have it stuck in your head now?


Okay, time to add some more hints:

#20 This PS1 game is fantastic in its own right, but it also pays homage to every game in the series that came before it.
Hint 2: One of the characters in your party looks a lot like a character class you can pick in the first game on the NES.

#19 Tactical RPG in water color.
Hint 2: The setting of this game is a somewhat fantastical version of World War II in Europe.

#17 This fantasy co-op arcade game is the 2nd in the series. If you think about it, it's really a shoot 'em up.
Hint 2: "Traps make walls disappear."

#16 This 80's arcade game could be described as Minecraft with a bicycle pump.
Hint 2: This game was in Stranger Things 2.

#19: Valkaria Chronicles

Signature goes here!

Farsala said:

20  sounds like FF. FFIX is my guess.



TruckOSaurus said:

#19: Valkaria Chronicles


Hints for the next two games at the end.

Previous Year: #18

Genuinely one of the biggest positive surprises I've ever had playing a video game. I originally bought Grandia on PSN because it just seemed like a fun little game and I wanted to play a new old-school JRPG. What I got instead was one of the best games I've ever played. The story, character and music are all excellent, and the graphics, while naturally dated by today's standards still have a lot of charm to them. The only real negative in the game is the voice acting, but even that is something I knew to expect from a JRPG made in the 90s. 

Final Fantasy VII
Previous Year: 16

There's not really much I can say about this game at this point that people wouldn't already know about. It's one of those games everyone knows about, even if they haven't played it themselves. It's not the best game in the series, but that doesn't make it any less great. An excellent game that's responsible for some of the most iconic video games moments ever.

Hints for the next two games:

#18: An RTS with a score by Jeremy Soule. The spiritual predecessor to the later Supreme Commander games.

#17: The villain actually wins half-way through the game.

Darashiva said:

Hints for the next two games:

#18: An RTS with a score by Jeremy Soule. The spiritual predecessor to the later Supreme Commander games.

#17: The villain actually wins half-way through the game.

#17: Final Fantasy VI

Signature goes here!

Around the Network
TruckOSaurus said:
Darashiva said:

Hints for the next two games:

#18: An RTS with a score by Jeremy Soule. The spiritual predecessor to the later Supreme Commander games.

#17: The villain actually wins half-way through the game.

#17: Final Fantasy VI





Mega Man 2

  • Nintendo Entertainment System (NES)
  • 1990
  • Action-adventure
  • Capcom

One of the classics in the side scrolling-action genre. 'Mega Man 2' is one people will immediately think of when talking about great action games and for good reason. Everything that makes a good game is present here, from a good, iconic main character to amazing level-design to great music and visuals.

The game has the player first choose one of eight stages surrounding a certain theme with a unique boss. This boss gives the player new abilities when it's defeated that are helpful in other levels and against the other bosses. When all eight stages are completed, the ninth will become accessible, which consists of four more substages. These extra abilities add a certain aspect of strategy as the player could find the best way through these stages by trail and error, or sometimes, decide the order with some common sense.

Thankfully, the game features a handy password system. NES games usually have the problem of having to be completed in one sitting, but this game includes a clever system that kind of resembles a game of tic-tac-toe in the way it's layed out, but of course this allows for the more complicated password combinations. I should have a stack of papers with drawings of codes on them around here somewhere...

Maybe just as famous as this influential game itself are it's cheat-codes. One of them gives all characters big heads and long arms like some equally famous gorilla.

Thread is dead?

23 Hint 1: You are a bald guy versus a Titan, with perks of course.
Hint 2: Depending on your path, your skills can change and even the soundtrack will change.
Hint 3: Although you can't travel by car or plane, you can still use your powers and the map to travel very quickly across it.

22 Hint 1: A WRPG that popularized the genre imo. Make spells, mark any area on the map and teleport to it instantly, spears, many factions to rise the ranks in, complete immersion in the world that featured things like slaves, religion, tons of books to read, rank up your skills doing many abstract things, or collect the best armor/ weapons.
Hint 2: This game is very open ended and one doesn't know where anything is at the start. So as you walk across the map you can see the trail of things you have done. An early event has a guy who used a scroll that makes you go really high up into the air and dropping back down only to die right in front of your eyes.

21 Hint 1: This game was a rebirth for the franchise after fans hated the game before it. However it was only the 2nd game out of 3 in the series to release that gen, to compare to this gen so far 0 have released.
Hint 2: Tons of characters, tons of weapons, let loose the riffraff slaughter.

20 Hint 1: You are mister goldilocks in a strange foreign land.

S.Peelman said:
Maybe just as famous as this influential game itself are it's cheat-codes. One of them gives all characters big heads and long arms like some equally famous gorilla.

Golden Eye?

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