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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The Discussion Thread: The Greatest Games Event 2017 - FINISH YOUR LISTS

This JRPG adds over 150 new monsters, and ignores every single one from the games before it!

Bet with bluedawgs: I say Switch will outsell PS4 in 2018, he says PS4 will outsell Switch. He's now permabanned, but the bet will remain in my sig.

NNID: Slarvax - Steam: Slarvax - Friend Code:  SW 7885-0552-5988

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S.Peelman said:

25: Rollercoaster Tycoon 2. Nice.


All three are correct!  And I see you are also a connoisseur of fine Roller Coaster games. 8)

It'll be on my list yes, to say the least.

I loved the first and especially the second game. The second is likely my most played game ever. Played some of the third but didn't really like it because you could build a lot less with it. Or at least it felt that way, less freedom than the other two, even with the expansions. I like to make things as elaborate and themed as possible, which is why I want to play Planet Coaster, but still haven't gotten it. The new one, World, physically hurts my soul just looking at it. How a great series call fall.

#29 Advance Wars Dual Strike

Intelligent systems really pulled out all the stops with this one. Advance Wars is a turn based strategy title 
in which you have to control cities to gain money to buy more units. This means that both your units and enemy
units can just keep coming. You only win once you've knocked out all the enemy units or captured all their cities. 
This game has it all from artiller units, to planes, to soldiers, to tanks, etc. The best part about Advance Wars is that
your general has a special meter, and gives certain buffs to certain units. There are tons of different generals to use
and each one has a niche. For example: The sniper general gives your artillery units an extra space of range normally
and two extra ranges of space during a special. You can tweak your generals with badges, and you can have up to two 
generals at once. Normally you'd think this would make the the game easy, but Intelligent systems sends you into the 
most unwinnable situations, and just lets you go wild with what it gives you. 

30: Hint 1: Animals versus old women in this sequel.
Hint 2: This game is a 5th gen game but it released after the PS2, and was still highly praised.
Hint 3: Unlike it's predecessor the 2 main characters can sometimes be played separately with even more special abilities.

28: Hint 1: Features a zombie mode with one of my favorite voice actors (Steven Blum) as one of the 4 characters, who also happens to be in the anime of my avatar :P.
Hint 2: Okay time for a real hint, it's a FPS in a series that became yearly. This particular entry is the first in a separate series within that series.

27: Hint 1: An RTS! for home console! The version I got had many discs. The sequels would become PC exclusive.

#27 Hint 1: Shows off the capabilities of the system, you don't even need to use buttons!
Hint 2: Microgames.

#25 Hint 1: Shoot enemies throughout history, with this Sega Classic.
Hint 2: Okay, you don't really travel through time, but each chapter is set in a different time period.

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Flilix said:
#27 Hint 1: Shows off the capabilities of the system, you don't even need to use buttons!
Hint 2: Microgames.

#25 Hint 1: Shoot enemies throughout history, with this Sega Classic.
Hint 2: Okay, you don't really travel through time, but each chapter is set in a different time period.

#27: Wii Sports

Signature goes here!

TruckOSaurus said:
Flilix said:
#27 Hint 1: Shows off the capabilities of the system, you don't even need to use buttons!
Hint 2: Microgames.

#25 Hint 1: Shoot enemies throughout history, with this Sega Classic.
Hint 2: Okay, you don't really travel through time, but each chapter is set in a different time period.

#27: Wii Sports

Nope. They're not minigames, they're really microgames.





  • SEGA Dreamcast
  • 1999
  • Fighting
  • Namco Project Soul

The only fighting game on the list. 'SoulCalibur' is without a doubt the best one in the genre, and with a decent margin at that. It is probably the concept of the game that drew me towards the series initially. Instead of the usual 'martial arts' type of fighting, the characters in this series specialize themselves in weapon proficiency. So the fighting will be done with swords and staffs and a couple of fantasy weapons for the most part.

And that works, gameplay is absolutely excellent here. The game came out during the time in which it was still popular in our family to sit around a console playing local-multiplayer. During the peak of this time, we had entire tournaments. Personally, I was always the character "Nightmare" and I got fairly good at it. It's a time that's pretty nostalgic to me, and a time I wouldn't mind coming back.

Besides the fighting, the game had a fun single-player mode where the player must complete missions through fighting, a concept which still holds up today. It was really a game that turned heads when it came out. In fact, I should credit the game's Dreamcast version as being the game that made the PlayStation 2 'unnecessary'. Graphically, it was years ahead of it's time and caused the newer system seem like it wasn't much of an upgrade over the Dreamcast. And I never got it.

This game lasts 60 minutes.

Flilix said:
TruckOSaurus said:

#27: Wii Sports

Nope. They're not minigames, they're really microgames.

WarioWare: Smooth Moves?

Signature goes here!