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#29 Advance Wars Dual Strike

Intelligent systems really pulled out all the stops with this one. Advance Wars is a turn based strategy title 
in which you have to control cities to gain money to buy more units. This means that both your units and enemy
units can just keep coming. You only win once you've knocked out all the enemy units or captured all their cities. 
This game has it all from artiller units, to planes, to soldiers, to tanks, etc. The best part about Advance Wars is that
your general has a special meter, and gives certain buffs to certain units. There are tons of different generals to use
and each one has a niche. For example: The sniper general gives your artillery units an extra space of range normally
and two extra ranges of space during a special. You can tweak your generals with badges, and you can have up to two 
generals at once. Normally you'd think this would make the the game easy, but Intelligent systems sends you into the 
most unwinnable situations, and just lets you go wild with what it gives you.