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Forums - Gaming Discussion - #LoveSingleplayerGames

I mainly play single player games. If it weren't for them, I wouldn't have took gaming up as a hobby or kept it as one. I understand some video game companies see this just as a means to make money but they have to keep in mind, that making their consumers happier goes a long way that will likely benefit them in the long run. It's not always about the money here in the now. Eventually, companies like EA will find themselves in a position that blockbuster did because of their short-sightedness and greed. This is definitely something I can get behind. #LoveSingleplayerGames

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I do enjoy a good multiplayer session but I will always pick single-player games given the choice.

Always loved played coop Halo CE as a kid with my brother. At around age 10, neither of us were very good, but usually one of us would sacrifice ourselves to distract a tough enemy whilst the other shot it in the back.

More recently, the last level of Mass Effect Andromeda. It had it's issue sure, but it still a very solid game, especially as you get into the later stages. The fial mission, where all the allies you acquired throughout the game rally besides you against the Kett was brilliant.

Also the epilogue from CoD4. The getaway mission from the enemy based that military shooters usually skip, I always enjoed this as the conclusion as it was strangely high stakes mission that stayed so grounded. Its weird when I think about how generic CoD has become that CoD4 had so much gravity to it's campaign.

ironmanDX said:
Money is the only language that the publishers will listen to.

Sad but true.