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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Dead Nintendo Franchises to Revive?


Which dead Nintendo franchise do you wanna see come back the most?

Excite Bike 8 4.35%
Custom Robo 4 2.17%
Star Fox 15 8.15%
Advance Wars 42 22.83%
EarthBound/Mother 36 19.57%
Wario 7 3.80%
F-Zero 61 33.15%
Starfy 1 0.54%
Sin and Punishment 4 2.17%
Pilotwings 6 3.26%

Earthbound would probably become really popular nowdays due to Undertale and the many RPGs inspired by it, the problem is I have no idea which team could work on it...

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zippy said:
Im not even gonna say it, given up hope :(

With the power of the switch... Nintendo could do a really beautifull "Wave race" game.

Heres Wave Race: Blue Storm in 1080p to cheer you up:

It'd be good, over the years, to see Nintendo bring more of these properties back on Switch - especially given they should only be supporting Switch and mobile going forward. I'd love to see F Zero, Mother, Advance Wars, Wario Land and Pilotwings out of those above. But I'd also really like to see 1080 and Wave Race make a return, and see 3DS games like Kid Icarus: Uprising and Luigi's Mansion 2 get sequels.

CaptainExplosion said:
forest-spirit said:
While not a Nintendo franchise I wish Nintendo would steal Terranigma from Squeenix (they don't care about it anyway) and do something new with it.

If anything they should steal Geno (and other Square-created characters from Super Mario RPG) from Square Enix.

Well, I wouldn't say no to a new Super Mario RPG, that's for sure! But I want a game that's more similar to Kingdom Hearts in that it mixes the Mario universe with Final Fantasy so hopefully Squeenix will have a part in that game if it ever happens.



Another "franchise" that needs revival is 3D Donkey Kong.

Sincerely, from Nintendo, I only thought of F-Zero and a Metroid game like Other M (I know that most people would disagree on that one). The majority of games that I love from Nintendo eventually have a new game (Mario Kart has one for each console, Donkey Kong Country was in Wii, Wii U and 3DS, Metroid is already coming for Switch soon). When I read the title of the topic, I thought of a lot of games from other companies like Dino Crisis, Captain Commando, Mega Man X, Final Fight, Silent Hill and many others.

Edit: I know that it's not a franchise, but I would say I'd like a new Pandora's Tower. Then, I remembered that it's not from Nintendo, but from Ganbarion, who only worked with Nintendo in one or two titles.

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Golden Sun.

And Golden Sun should be an option in the poll.

Edit:I mean, there is a Starfy option but no Golden Sun?Really?REALLLLYYYY???????? *rage mode*

My (locked) thread about how difficulty should be a decision for the developers, not the gamers.

I would LOVE a new Advance Wars.

Maybe merge it with another licence, like Star Fox Advance Wars.

MarkkyStorm said:

When I read the title of the topic, I thought of a lot of games from other companies like Dino Crisis, Captain Commando, Mega Man X, Final Fight, Silent Hill and many others.

Capcom is all those other companies (except for Silent Hill)

CaptainExplosion said:
forest-spirit said:

Well, I wouldn't say no to a new Super Mario RPG, that's for sure! But I want a game that's more similar to Kingdom Hearts in that it mixes the Mario universe with Final Fantasy so hopefully Squeenix will have a part in that game if it ever happens.



Another "franchise" that needs revival is 3D Donkey Kong.

Yes, but who would make it? I don't know if Nintendo EPD is interested in doing what'd essentially be Super Mario Odyssey but with Donkey Kong characters.

Perhaps Playtonic (Yooka-Laylee) under the supervision of Nintendo and with some help from Retro Studios (since they made the new Donkey Kong Country games) could be up to the task?

spurgeonryan said:
Fzero would be nice. A lot of these old franchises they act all worried about, but know perfectly well they will sell fine.
Fzero was last on the gamecube.

Star fox has been on two struggling systems and The last one was more than divisive. They need to do a real star fox again or just remake the last one with different controls and more levels.

Kid Icarus switch.

Oh, yeah. Kid Icarus. Forgot about that one.