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Forums - Sales Discussion - Which new game will be the most sold on PS4? Call of Duty vs Assassins Creed vs GT Sport vs Fifa vs StarWars..


Which new game will be the most sold on the PS4?

Gran Turismo Sport 21 20.79%
Fifa 18 28 27.72%
the new Call of Duty 35 34.65%
the new Assassins Creed 2 1.98%
Star Wars Battlefront 2 9 8.91%
Destiny 2 1 0.99%
see results 5 4.95%


And then it'll be a battle between CoD and Star Wars for distant second.

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GribbleGrunger said:
FIFA easily.

easily, well.. the other games are very strong too ^^ But interesting. how strong are the star wars ps4-bundles and the call of duty/gtSport-console limited?

Are these lifetime sales or sales over October ~ December 2017?

If the former, FIFA 18.
If the latter, CoD WW2.

edit: lol didn't read OP properly :P



1. Fifa 18
2. Fifa 18 > COD > Battlefront 2 > Gran Tursimo Sport > AC > Destiny 2
3. Battlefront 2

NNID/PSN: Kung_Kjartan

Gran Turismo will be number 1 this year, and lifetime, we are talking PS4 only.

Full break down:


I can see GTS outselling them all lifetime across all platforms to be honest. The only one that could really threaten that is COD.

Stop hate, let others live the life they were given. Everyone has their problems, and no one should have to feel ashamed for the way they were born. Be proud of who you are, encourage others to be proud of themselves. Learn, research, absorb everything around you. Nothing is meaningless, a purpose is placed on everything no matter how you perceive it. Discover how to love, and share that love with everything that you encounter. Help make existence a beautiful thing.

Kevyn B Grams


Around the Network

1 - FIFA 18

2 - Gran Turismo Sport

3 - Gran Turismo Sport

1&2, COD, 3, None. Don't think any are system sellers now.

pitzy272 said:
Wow no one except me for SWBF2? I think this game will be huge. CoD WW2 I think will be second.
1 & 2. SWBF2
3. GTS

Star Wars is popular worldwide. How strong was/is Star Wars in Japan ? Maybe thats why, Gran Turismo Sport or the new Call of Duty are bigger worldwide ?!

ps. i forgot the new assassins creedxPoll *-*

KBG29 said:

Gran Turismo will be number 1 this year, and lifetime, we are talking PS4 only.

Full break down:


I can see GTS outselling them all lifetime across all platforms to be honest. The only one that could really threaten that is COD.

You could see GTS outselling these titles across all platforms... you know Fifa 17 sold 17.5m just at Retail, and Battlefront 13.28m also just at retail.

Fifa 17 also sold over 10m units on PS4 before the end of 2016, so I don't see how GTS will be the best selling on ps4 this year.

I don't see GTS having a chance, what are the figures you are expecting?

1- CoD
2- CoD
3- Battlefront