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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - FIFA 18 on Switch accounted for 1% of all UK physical copies sold

Doesn't surprise me one bit, I keep telling people a majority Nintendo fans don't care about real life sports titles... the best selling games on the device will be Japanese/Japanese inspired content. The NBA2k18 argument...really? We don't even have solid numbers for that and it's the eshop, most Nintendo Switch users buy physical based on Mario and Zelda sales alone.

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Nuvendil said:
pastro243 said:
I remember I had a discussion with someone here that said that switch could become FIFA's new main place to play. I guess I was right

Also, wasn't this supposed to be a good port? I read here that fans were pleased at least

A handful were pleased, but several pointed out that it missing features was going to hamstring it in the extreme.  Especially since EA was hyping up The Journey as a key feature.  Add to that they bungled some of the online features and stripped out features that were in no way tied to the engine change and the stigma was going to dog this game to the grave, there was never an iota of doubt in my mind.  Perception matters, more than most people around here seem to think.  I've seen a much better reception for the 2k18 port that has some technical snags but is feature complete.  

Also, EA did next to nothing to promote Fifa on switch either.  

It was franky laughable they thought this effort would make Fifa 18 a must have Switch title.

This is true, I wondered about that as well. The eshop entry doesn't even contain a trailer. A trailer seemed to be too much of a hassle, hmm? And the images don't show one single match of soccer. Now one might say it's common knowledge that FIFA is all about soccer, but still.

I mean, what's probably the best way to promote a soccer game? That's right: show six different menu screenshots. Hooray!

Gosh, I hate EA so much!

Sorry, just had to get this off my chest. Please go on, thread.

On a side note, FIFA 18 is ranked very high in the german eshop since release (always second or third spot). So this might put things back into perspective a little bit overall. Take that, thread.

Miyamotoo said:

Actually we had informations that Switch version was sold out, so number couldn't be bigger. In any case its NO 7 on individual SKUs.

And this shows that a PS3 version EXISTS and Switch beats it. Take that, thread!

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 It would be sad, but if all EA Sports games are going to be inferior versions of the original games, maybe other companies can try and fill their hole.

Lol didn't you Nintendo guys say that you're okay with graphical downgrades because portability is more important? Sorry to break it to you but Switch will always have the inferior version of EVERY multiplatform game that comes out on that system.


Ultra Street Fighter II sells half a million copies - "cuz Switch has no gamez"

Fifa 18 sells poorly - "Nintendo fans don't like 3rd party gamez"

Pick one.

"You should be banned. Youre clearly flaming the president and even his brother who you know nothing about. Dont be such a partisan hack"

Expected. I wont be surprised if EA started dropping everything that's suppose to come out to the Switch.

This was always going to be an issue with 3rd party "multiplat" games and the Switch; Is it worth it for companies to spend extra time and money on a system with a much lower install base to get an even lower of sales?

OTBWY said:

I was fully expecting it. I picked mine up friday, I could already see the stacks of Fifa titles behind the counter. The Switch version was way lower in quantity. The demand simply isn't there. That's why Bethesda is talking about growing a relationship with Nintendo gamers. It is something that needs to grow, a single (lesser) Fifa isn't going to do it overnight.

I respect Bethesda for the knowledge that they'll be building an audience. EA assumes everyone under the Sun wants their games already. 


I'll be supporting many third parties this year, I just don't really care for soccer games. 


With Mario Odyssey, L.A. Noir, Skyrim, Doom, Xeboblade 2, and Rocket League (maybe Sonic Forces), there's just too many games that I really want to justify buying a game just to encourage a third party to bring titles I'm more interested in.

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Guys I can tell you this. I went to my local GAME and they only had one copy left when I bought it but they didn't even know they had it. They told me it was preorder only until they checked anyway and found the last one. They weren't advertising it anywhere either and it wasn't even on the shelf. I'm guessing that EA placed low priority on the switch version in the UK at least and have underestimated demand. I keep hearing stories of people going to buy it and not being able to find it anywhere and then on top of that it's still sold out on Amazon. I honestly feel like EA didn't have any faith in the game this time around and it's sold out its full shipment rather than Nintendo fans not buying the game.