OTBWY said:
I was fully expecting it. I picked mine up friday, I could already see the stacks of Fifa titles behind the counter. The Switch version was way lower in quantity. The demand simply isn't there. That's why Bethesda is talking about growing a relationship with Nintendo gamers. It is something that needs to grow, a single (lesser) Fifa isn't going to do it overnight.
I respect Bethesda for the knowledge that they'll be building an audience. EA assumes everyone under the Sun wants their games already.
I'll be supporting many third parties this year, I just don't really care for soccer games.
With Mario Odyssey, L.A. Noir, Skyrim, Doom, Xeboblade 2, and Rocket League (maybe Sonic Forces), there's just too many games that I really want to justify buying a game just to encourage a third party to bring titles I'm more interested in.