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Forums - General Discussion - I guess I just need a discussion thread right now

RolStoppable said:
I am back, so everything should be right again.

Ah, so you're offering to be my therapist?

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Ka-pi96 said:
Farsala said:

This might be a terrible comparison. But it is like a fetish. 

If one likes one thing in anime for example fantasy worlds, there is very few western shows that give off that aspect due to technical and budget limitations.

Another example lets say Super Powers, One Piece is kind of like Xmen but there is very little Xmen media to watch compared to One Piece.I like both but I have to wait every 2 years for an Xmen movie while I can watch One Piece every 2 months.

I think most western shows are the same thing too, to be fair, examples CSI,CSI2,CSI3,CSI4,NCIS,Law and Order, and all those other generic cop shows that have no business being like that. And the Friends archetype for "comedy" etc.

hmm, I get that. Anime definitely does have some things that western shows lack and fantasy is a pretty big one. Sci-fi too. But why aren't there enough anime to satisfy my vampire fetishes?

That One Piece example is a little off though, I really mean multiple anime are usually very similar. Like sure, watching One Piece every couple months or every week or whatever won't get boring. But what if you're watching multiple shounen battle anime, I haven't seen past ep 1 of One Piece but from what I've seen of other anime like that there's usually a fair few similarities. I guess if you still want to use those examples it would be like having a new movie for each individual X-Men every couple years. I could understand watching one or two of them, but surely if you're watching all or even just most of them then you're going to get bored with it sooner or later right?

Of course watching multiple at the same time gets kind of boring, but they all have their quirks. I generally watch 1 anime at a time though, others are seasonal. The most I did was watching Fairy Tail and One Piece at the same time, but that is just like if you are a fan of NCIS and NCIS2 or whatever. With me personally I generally skip around the genres from Serious,SoL, Shounen, comedy, fantasy, etc.