1. South Park FbH
2. Metro Exodus
3. Shadow of War
4. Forza Motorsport 7
5. Assassin's Creed Origins
All on X1.
1. South Park FbH
2. Metro Exodus
3. Shadow of War
4. Forza Motorsport 7
5. Assassin's Creed Origins
All on X1.
1/Death end;Request (Compile Heart, PS4)
2/SAO Fatal Bullet (Namco, PS4)
3/Atelier Lidy&Soeur (KT, PS4)
4/Senran Kagura 7EVEN (Marvelous, PS4)
5/Fire Emblem Warriors (Nintendo, Switch)
1. Super Mario Odyssey (Switch)
2. Xenoblade Chronicles 2 (Switch)
3. No More Heroes 3 Travis Strikes Back (Switch)
4. Shin Megami Tensei V (Switch)
5. Metroid Prime 4 (Switch)
6. God Of War(Ps4)
7. ---Tie--- Spider Man and Days Gone (Ps4)
8. ---Tie--- Stardew Valley, Owlboy, Hollow Knight (Switch)
On the games I said Tie I will take whichever comes out first because they are pretty much all equally anticipated.
Death Stranding (Ps4) and Pokemon (Switch) would be in top 5 if we had any concreate information.
1. Super Mario Odyssey (NS)
2. Metroid Prime 4 (NS)
3. Sonic Forces (NS)
4. Skyrim (NS)
5. Kirby (NS)
1. God Of War (PS4)
2. Kingdom Hearts 3 (PS4)
3. Ni No Kuni 2 (PS4)
4. Super Mario Odyssey (Switch)
5. Spyro Remaster (Make it happen Activision!) (PS4)
axumblade said:
UGH. I *need* for this to happen. Do you have another title you'd like to use for your number 5 until we get an announcement? :/ |
I guess... Shadow of the Colossus (PS4) for now
Ultrashroomz said: 1. Super Mario Odyssey (NS) 6. Shin Megami Tensei (NS) |
1. Super Mario Odyssey (NS)
2. Metroid Prime 4 (NS)
3. Persona 3 Dancing Moon Night (PS4)
4. Persona 5 Dancing Star Night (PS4)
5. Okami (PS4)
6. Xenoblade Chronicles 2 (NS)
7. Shin Megami Tensei (NS)
8. Shin Megami Tensei Strange Journey Redux (3DS)
9. Metro Exodus (PC)
10. .hack//G.U. Last Recode (PS4)
"Just for comparison Uncharted 4 was 20x bigger than Splatoon 2. This shows the huge difference between Sony's first-party games and Nintendo's first-party games."
1. Super Mario Odyssey (NS)
2. Project Octopath Traveler (NS)
3. Dragon Quest XI (PS4)
4. Kirby Star Allies (NS)
5. Stardew Valley (NS)
1. Ni No Kuni 2 (PS4)
2. Dragon Ball FighterZ (PS4)
3. Final Fantasy 7 remake (PS4)
4. God of War 4 (PS4)
5. Resident Evil 2 remake (PS4)
1. TES Skyrim (NSW)
2. Metroid Prime 4 (NSW)
3. Project Octopath Traveller (NSW)
4. Doom (NSW)
5. Lost Sphear (NSW)
Honorable mentions to Fire Emblem 2018 (NSW) and Shin Megami Tensei HD (NSW)
Proud to be the first cool Nintendo fan ever
Number ONE Zelda fan in the Universe
Prediction: No Zelda HD for Wii U, quietly moved to the succesor
Predictions for Nintendo NX and Mobile
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