Xxain said:
IkePoR said:
Man, it seems the more amount of people that learn a new word, the more value it's meaning loses. I get it, entitled is a strong, meaningful word that sends a message to make people feel something. But in this context, it's used incorrectly.
Now, some people complain about anything and everything, for no reason, even if they don't enjoy the thing they're complaining about. But to use a blanket term to decribe everyone who criticises something you don't is unfair and - guess what - acutally entitled.
As some others in this thread have said, the reason for a lot of fans complaining and critisizing this is because a, it's got nothing to do with Final Fantasy and makes no sense; b, to use you all's own argument against you, is free and throwaway, something meaningless that some interns at Square wasted time creating that no one cares about; and c, it shows exactly that Square-Enix has no clue what made Final Fantasy Final Fantasy. Throwing everything but the kitchen sink at a product you spent exorbant amounts of marketing money on doesn't make a product more quality. It shows a lack of confidence and creativity in your own product.
d, it looks bollocks.
This is a stupid post.
A. Its a crossover event. Does anything else need to be said past that? Its not suppose to have anything to do with game. Marvel vs CAPCOM has nothing to do with each of the respective series. Should it not exist? How many crossover events does Monster Hunter do that have nothing to do with Monster? FF14? Do you read Manga's/ American comics? Watch anime? Play other video games series? How many crossover events from entirely different franchise take place in these mediums then have nothing to do with said franchise? 100's, 1000's?
B. You didnt use anything against anyone here. " I'm going to use your own argument against you" *goes on to not do that*.
C. How did you get to C? There is no build up to this point at all.
You have written a lot, but havent said much of anything.
"I don't like what yous said, this is a stupid post" sounds like one of those fucked up attitudes you mentioned earlier.
Your first conuter point makes no sense. MvC is a crossover project. It's designed to be a cross over - the entire game is build around it, using the characters and their settings to create a story and game. It's built to be it's own thing and has nothing to do with the respective series they draw from. The same goes for any crossover built this way.
As for other series and totally random crossovers, either the series it's happening in is built solidly and delivers a clear message that the franchise is in good hands(MonHun, One Piece) or fans could and should be asking the same questions about their series that many people in this thread have brought up.
When it comes to "it's free DLC", my point is that SE even bothered with this instead of fixing the problems many fans of the game have with the main game. "It's just free and throwaway" - then why does it exist at all?
I got to C... by getting there? Is that your response?
Good straw man attempt though - can't argue the points, attack the person making the points.