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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - "Nintendo Games Are For Kids"

TorterraBoy said:
AngryLittleAlchemist said:

That moment when you didn't watch the video ... 

I shouldn't need to if he says it in the title, unless it's clickbait lol

It's not clickbait it's refuting the idea that Nintendo games are for kids. Also how does he make so many nintendo hate videos? He has made more positive ones, if anything. Dude's literally called "ChiGuy" Like bruh....really? 

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TorterraBoy said:
That dude makes so many anti Nintendo videos, stop giving him views

Nintendo makes games for all ages, they games are centered around art style, and they are marketing to grown-ups now with the Switch

How bad is the guy with them and what kind of stuff does he do?

The Democratic Nintendo that a paradox? I'm fond of one of the more conservative companies in the industry, but I vote Liberally and view myself that way 90% of the time?

Oh dear, that guy is full of it.

My kids love Zelda, especially younger one - but it doesn't take a genius to figure out why Souls/Bloodborne have M rating (since he mentioned them) and Zelda is usually E10+. And yeah, I've let my kids play DS when they were 9 and 7 (and shown them how to git gud), cause I know what they can understand and stomach - but I will not let them play AC or GTA until they are much older.

TorterraBoy said:
AngryLittleAlchemist said:

That moment when you didn't watch the video ... 

I shouldn't need to if he says it in the title, unless it's clickbait lol

The guy loves the Switch and said Nintendo won E3 EASILY. He isn't a hater because of the title of a video.

And as for Nintendo, there's a reason people call them the Disney/Pixar of video games. While their games may look childish in nature, the actual content can appease almost anyone. You don't need blood to be more mature, in fact more kids played COD than owned a Wii U. Does that make Nintendo mature?

This argument has been debunked so many times it isn't even interesting anymore.

Games are played to have fun, and that's only confined to certain ages by those who, usually for cultural reasons, decide that such things are no longer proper for them to indulge in.

I'm nearly 30 and still love Nintendo games, and I really don't see that changing anytime soon.

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Ahh, the whole kiddy thing. I thought we were beyond that?

Hey, let's make up an argument and have an imaginary discussion to refute people who never cared.

Next up: A 5h documentary to convince flat earthers that the earth isn't flat. That'll show em!

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