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Forums - General Discussion - Game Of Thrones Season 7 FINAL episode POLL up



10 83 35.78%
9 61 26.29%
8 38 16.38%
7 23 9.91%
6 10 4.31%
5 4 1.72%
4 1 0.43%
3 1 0.43%
2 1 0.43%
1 10 4.31%
JakDaSnack said:
forest-spirit said:
They had a really cool battle scene going and just had to destroy it by adding a tired "lonely gunner vs. flyer" fight and giving Bronn (this guy has really overstayed his welcome, get rid of him already) some kind of fire-dodging super power. Entire regiments where engulfed in flames and turned to ashes in mere seconds by a single attack yet Bronn just side-steps the attacks and walks away unharmed. -_-'

And I still can't understand how Highgarden was that easy to take. The Tyrells are in a war yet didn't have anyone to defend their King piece? Considering how important the food stacks from that place seems to be you'd think Dany & co would do a little bit more to assure it won't fall into enemy hands.
Ugh, some things makes this season painful to watch.

It bothered me more that Dany didn't flank the lannister army to begin with.  She could have destroyed their entire army before the dothraki even got there but instead chose to face them head on.  I can somewhat buy the whole Bronn getting out of the way thing.

As for the whole attack on Highgarden, just because they didn't show the actual attack doesn't mean there were not casualties.  Most of the battles in season 1/2/3 were skipped.  And besides, they weren't expecting the Lannister army to go after it, I don't think Tyrian knew that the gold mines had run dry and that casterly rock was worthless.

I might be thinking too much into this but the only reasons I can think of her doing that were (1). To test her dothraki Horde against westeros army and (2). Her Dothraki horde are born fighters and enjoy the action of the beattlefield so she probably doesn't want them getting bored and restless then probably turning against her slightly.

PSN ID: Stokesy 

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PSN ID: Stokesy 

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JakDaSnack said:
Farsala said:
Nice episode, hard for me to ever care about Dany though. I hope we get more Jorah soon. Also old man Tarly basically disappeared that fight, so I am wondering where he went and why he sucked at battling.

Btw was the high septim arc in the books? Because that is when the show took a drop imo. The actor was amazing but the logistics went over my head.

Yes, book 4 which is easily the worst book in the series, book 5 got a bit better but still the quality of the books took a tumble around the same time that the show did.  Though I personally rank season 6 above seasons 2/3/5 but that's just me.

Books 4 & 5 really should have just been a single book like originally intended.

The plots of each character were fine but much of it felt bloated and dragged out like Brienne aimlessly wandering through the Riverlands or Tyrion traveling across Essos or Jon taking inventory at the Wall, etc.

Instead of two good books we could have gotten one great book on par with the first three in the series.

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.

It was a good episode.
Lord Tarly's death was really moving. It's a shame to see a character with such strong convictions go. More proof that Daenerys is insane.
I also loved Jaime and Tyrion's reunion. That was absolutely tense and powerful.
Back in Winterfell, as expected, the lords realize Jon Snow was the wrong choice for their leader.
I do wonder, where did that hostility from Arya come from? Sansa did nothing wrong, she was acting as gracefully as possible.
I am starting to dislike Arya a lot.

Hopefully we see Westeros next episode, but sadly it will be more focused on Jon Snow and his band of ex-interesting characters in the most boring plot point in the series.

Ohhhh shit.
So the contents of the letter is what Sansa wrote to the Starks after being coerced by Queen Cersei AND Littlefinger set Arya up.
Holy Shit. What a master.

But I guess I am convinced now that Littlefinger holds no loyalty to Sansa.

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morenoingrato said:
It was a good episode.
Lord Tarly's death was really moving. It's a shame to see a character with such strong convictions go. More proof that Daenerys is insane.
I also loved Jaime and Tyrion's reunion. That was absolutely tense and powerful.
Back in Winterfell, as expected, the lords realize Jon Snow was the wrong choice for their leader.
I do wonder, where did that hostility from Arya come from? Sansa did nothing wrong, she was acting as gracefully as possible.
I am starting to dislike Arya a lot.

Hopefully we see Westeros next episode, but sadly it will be more focused on Jon Snow and his band of ex-interesting characters in the most boring plot point in the series.

1. I disagree with you on the first point. 

2. You seem to be forgetting Season 1. Sansa lied to about Joffrey and Arya's confrontation and Arya's friend was murdered by The Hound because of it. Sansa didn't get along with Arya or Jon when they all lived together. Arya was closest to Jon. 

Darc Requiem said:
morenoingrato said:
It was a good episode.
Lord Tarly's death was really moving. It's a shame to see a character with such strong convictions go. More proof that Daenerys is insane.
I also loved Jaime and Tyrion's reunion. That was absolutely tense and powerful.
Back in Winterfell, as expected, the lords realize Jon Snow was the wrong choice for their leader.
I do wonder, where did that hostility from Arya come from? Sansa did nothing wrong, she was acting as gracefully as possible.
I am starting to dislike Arya a lot.

Hopefully we see Westeros next episode, but sadly it will be more focused on Jon Snow and his band of ex-interesting characters in the most boring plot point in the series.

1. I disagree with you on the first point. 

2. You seem to be forgetting Season 1. Sansa lied to about Joffrey and Arya's confrontation and Arya's friend was murdered by The Hound because of it. Sansa didn't get along with Arya or Jon when they all lived together. Arya was closest to Jon. 

I wrote that post as unwinding from the episode. I get where you're coming from though. Their entire journey was hostile so there is no reason for them to become close friends again. Add the fact that Sansa has been taught to play the game while Arya has been killing b lindly and away from Westeros  I politics, sounderstand Arya's motivations better.

Still idiotic conclusions by her, but I see where she is coming from.

I do wonder now though, which one of them is closer to Cersei.

Sansa with more lady-like approach or Arya wanting to behead dissenters?

OMG HE'S FINALLY DONE ROWING!!! Interesting episode. Hell of a lot of meetings. Man that's a comically oversized hammer...

Just remember I said at the start of this season Gendry will be back and he will be the THIRD Targaryen. Well still stand by that. He's got Targaryen blood and he will be on one of those dragons.

PSN ID: Stokesy 

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Dickon was on fire last night.