Great Direct.
mZuzek said: I guess I shouldn't be surprised at everyone having enjoyed this direct at this point, but... I am. I mean, me and all my Smash buddies all went bonkers over the E3 direct, and bonkers again with the Smash direct. Today, we were all massively disappointed... and in every case, we've been the opposite of the internet. Personally, I really, really didn't like this one. Luigi's Mansion 3 is a cool announcement but I'm not really interested in it, and from then on it was a 30-minute slog through boring 3DS games and uninteresting ports, and by the end we were all like "okay, give us a cool new character" and instead we get... Isabelle? Bleh. I mean, I guess she's not that bad, but the trailer was so boring and anticlimactic, it was just the worst. At least the Animal Crossing announcement made up for it a little. |
I imagine you're part of the group of people that if you ever look at the live chat in a direct is constantly saying
"where is smash"
"boring, bring on smash"
repeat nonstop.
mZuzek said:
I expected this response, but no. Everyone knew the Smash stuff would be just a character reveal at the end, this direct was the time to get excited for other stuff and there wasn't a lot of exciting things at all, it was basically 30 minutes of ports, and not the hype kind of ports like Doom or Skyrim, nah, it was all just irrelevant crap like NSMBU or old games that still look bad such as Katamari Damacy and Crystal Chronicles. Most of the stuff showed looked so bad I even got a little excited for Daemon X Machina. Of course, Yoshi's Crafted World looks really great, but... it's Yoshi, who cares? So yeah, ending all that with a super boring character reveal (a massive letdown coming from the crazy hype Ridley, Belmonts and K. Rool trailers) was just really underwhelming. I'd rather they focused on actually showing the new AC and then quickly going like "yeah Isabelle in Smash too" than doing it how they did, but then again that trailer probably looks very similar to the new AC game anyway, so whatever I guess. Also, the online service segment. They basically went like "hey, give us $20 for nothing!" and that was it, only this time they tried making it look good by throwing out some pretty words. That was really the part that got me salty, and I needed something truly hype to make up, and that never came. It speaks volumes to the quality of this direct if the thing that hyped me most was an anime opening trailer for a Splatoon 2 update I didn't even understand anything about. |
You'd be surprised no really if you see some of the responses on social media you'd be surprised.
curl-6 said: Yoshi's Crafted World is looking way better now than it did back at E3 2017. While the fact we apparently still can't flip the world anytime is a bit bothersome, the appearance of items that let the player flip it mid-level at predetermined points is a huge step up from the tedious method of having to exist the level and do a separate playthrough of the "flipside" like when it was first shown. It's gone from a "won't buy" to a "probably will buy" for me with this Direct. And holy crap does it look gorgeous; quite possibly the prettiest visuals yet shown on Switch. The lighting, texturing, and materials seem to have gotten a substantial bump since its debut showing. |
Yeah, I thought this looked substantially better than the initial reveal. I've usually had very little interest in Kirby or Yoshi platformers, but I'll be keeping an eye on Crafted World and hoping it turns out well. 2019 could be a cracking year, especially if new IP like Daemon X Machina and Town turn out well, and if Metroid Prime 4 and Bayonetta 3 actually release next year.
Overshadowed by the Nintendo Direct, the LABO Vehicle Kit came out yesterday. The main sites like IGN/Gamespot/etc don't seem to have reviewed it, but Gamexplain did.
Basically, it's the best kit so far because it actually feels like a fleshed out video game.
The main adventure mode will last you 5-6 hours (not including build time) plus there's a bunch of auxiliary modes like slot car racing, battle mode, etc.
The plane and car are apparently very fun to control, the submarine less so, though this is mitigated somewhat by the fact you use it the least.
Kinda seems like the kit LABO should've launched with in the first place.
Wyrdness said: ![]() |
I thought the whole Waluigi thing was a joke, but apparently there are many fans who seriously want him playable, to the point of threatening Sakurai. Now some fans actually mad Isabelle got included. As if a side character who's just a copy of a copy that only appears in some spin-off games deserves to be in Smash over the face of one of Nintendo's biggest franchises. She's the face for a reason, uber supportive, valuable, and adorable! Anyone disappointed in her reveal is a sad being indeed!
mZuzek said:
Eh, wouldn't really call her the "face" of Animal Crossing, but sure she's a lot more relevant than Waluigi. I was personally disappointed, but in hindsight it was more just down to the unimpressive trailer than the character being a bad fit... though it sure will be strange to see Isabelle fighting, never mind fighting the likes of Ridley or Bayonetta. |
But who else would you call the face of Animal Crossing if not the by far most popular character? Surely every Smash trailer doesn't need to involve someone getting killed. This one's gimmick was trolling, and atleast for me, it was uber effective at toying with my emotions! Plus the gameplay segment was uber cute how no one actually attacked Isabelle, likely cause she too precious hehe.
mZuzek said: I guess I shouldn't be surprised at everyone having enjoyed this direct at this point, but... I am. I mean, me and all my Smash buddies all went bonkers over the E3 direct, and bonkers again with the Smash direct. Today, we were all massively disappointed... and in every case, we've been the opposite of the internet. Personally, I really, really didn't like this one. Luigi's Mansion 3 is a cool announcement but I'm not really interested in it, and from then on it was a 30-minute slog through boring 3DS games and uninteresting ports, and by the end we were all like "okay, give us a cool new character" and instead we get... Isabelle? Bleh. I mean, I guess she's not that bad, but the trailer was so boring and anticlimactic, it was just the worst. At least the Animal Crossing announcement made up for it a little. |
Just go to show how personal the enjoyment of the directs can be.And this should show you how much they are.
The E3 presentation ended up being half Smash Bros related, and the other half had very few new announcements.Out of the top of my head, those would be Deamon X Machina and FE Three Houses(That were completely new, and no, Im not considering that brief mention of FE in 2017 as having been announced before, because it was only a Title, and a placeholder at that).You and your friend got extremely excited with that E3 because you love Smash with all your heart, from what I understood.Yet there were many, that while consider Smash a great game, its not our all time favorite franchise.So in the end we felt that the E3 lacked games, in a place that we are supposed to know what next year holds in store for us.
On the other hand we have this direct that had far more bigger announcements, like Luigi Mansion 3(Huge announcement), Animal Crossing, and FF ports galore to name a few.Civ 6 would be another one, but that one got leaked.It was a direct that appealed to more people, and thus it was more liked.You didnt like it that much simply because, as you said, the games werent for you.Just to get this out of the way, I would have awarded the direct a 7.5.Animal Crossing does nohting for me.I mostly get excited with these kind of titles because of the announcements themselves and by people getting excited over them.
My (locked) thread about how difficulty should be a decision for the developers, not the gamers.