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E3 Hype levels?

HYPE!!!! 4 25.00%
Pretty Excited 9 56.25%
Only a bit interested 3 18.75%
Not interested at all 0 0%
What is E3? 0 0%
shikamaru317 said:
VGPolyglot said:
Well, the results of the poll show a plurality want me to stick with the new stuff, so that's what I'll be doing

If you add up the 2 retro categories they beat the modern votes though. 4 yes and frequently + 5 yes and seldomly = 9 votes vs 7 for stick to modern content.

Yeah, I guess that's true. I was going to not do it, because of Rain's Retro Redux thread, but since he left it's inactive. So, I was wondering whether or not to do it here.

Around the Network

Starting September 1st the standard PSVR bundle will also come with a PlayStation Camera at no extra cost, while the PSVR+camera+2 move controllers+PSVR Worlds bundle will drop to $449/CAD$579.
This seems to be US and Canada only, can't find anything on other markets like Europe and Japan.

poklane said:
Starting September 1st the standard PSVR bundle will also come with a PlayStation Camera at no extra cost, while the PSVR+camera+2 move controllers+PSVR Worlds bundle will drop to $449/CAD$579.
This seems to be US and Canada only, can't find anything on other markets like Europe and Japan.

Hmm, $580 is still too much for me to be willing to drop on it. It'd be a cool thing to try out, but I'm just going to have to accept that I won't be able to get one.

I got a PSVR few days ago as a birthday gift, and I'm now a highly delighted VR player.
It's so amazing !!!
I knew that seeing a VR session on a TV didn't give justice to the real feel, but how far was I from truth !

For me, after the advent of 3D games, it's the next significant step in video games.

Is there a topic advising the best games/experiences on it and explaining how to properly maintain his PSVR ? (I would be surprised if Svennoj hasn't already done it, but I can't find it)

we want your great Uncharted Lost Legacy and Yakuza Kiwami (cutscenes)-PS4-Screenshots : D

i personally save all great screens from my games on ps4. you too ? or save you cutscenes with the share button? Great week @ all = ) Now, Kiwami-Time. See you in 2-3 weeks : D

Around the Network
KazumaKiryu said:

we want your great Uncharted Lost Legacy and Yakuza Kiwami (cutscenes)-PS4-Screenshots : D

i personally save all great screens from my games on ps4. you too ? or save you cutscenes with the share button? Great week @ all = ) Now, Kiwami-Time. See you in 2-3 weeks : D

I don't ever record cutscenes, nor do I make screenshots personally. So sorry, I don't have anything to share

Ka-pi96 said:
Don't suppose anybody here still plays GTA4? Looking for people to do some of the MP stuff with. Mainly the co-op missions.

I had no idead GTAIV even had co-op missions. I have it for the PS3, probably won't be able to get to it though unfortunately.

Lauster said:

I got a PSVR few days ago as a birthday gift, and I'm now a highly delighted VR player.
It's so amazing !!!
I knew that seeing a VR session on a TV didn't give justice to the real feel, but how far was I from truth !

For me, after the advent of 3D games, it's the next significant step in video games.

Is there a topic advising the best games/experiences on it and explaining how to properly maintain his PSVR ? (I would be surprised if Svennoj hasn't already done it, but I can't find it)

I will probably buy a PSVR later this year. I want

Eagle Flight
Eve Valkyrie

DOOM VFR (later this year)

Ka-pi96 said:
There's a Knack 2 demo? GOTY 2017 doesn't need a demo to sell a tonne though!

Well, I guess you'll at least have a chance now to play a little bit of it to hold you over for the main event!