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E3 Hype levels?

HYPE!!!! 4 25.00%
Pretty Excited 9 56.25%
Only a bit interested 3 18.75%
Not interested at all 0 0%
What is E3? 0 0%
twintail said:
VGPolyglot said:

Yeah, but it was originally under a different title. It is now confirmed to be a numbered sequel to the original.

well it was announced as White Day: Swan Song back then. Now it just has the 2. maybe its no longer a prequel. 

Ah, I see. And woah, I didn't realize how close the White Day remake was to release!! I'll put that on my wishlist, along with the Corpse Party 3DS port. Those are 2 horror games I definitely want to play.

Around the Network
twintail said:
VGPolyglot said:

Ah, I see. And woah, I didn't realize how close the White Day remake was to release!! I'll put that on my wishlist, along with the Corpse Party 3DS port. Those are 2 horror games I definitely want to play.

Yeah it looks awesome! 

I recently got VR so Ill probably try WD2 in VR and not normally. Anyhow, going to be a lot of fun!!!!

Ah, I don't have PSVR myself, so I'll be missing out on that unfortunately.

we need a Uncharted The Lost Legacy and Yakuza Kiwami THREAD my friends = )
Cant wait < 3

I feel like such an idiot for once again watching an EA Press Conference. Time and time again it's completely dogshit and a waste of time.

poklane said:
I feel like such an idiot for once again watching an EA Press Conference. Time and time again it's completely dogshit and a waste of time.

I'm glad I didn't bother then!!

Around the Network
VGPolyglot said:
poklane said:
I feel like such an idiot for once again watching an EA Press Conference. Time and time again it's completely dogshit and a waste of time.

I'm glad I didn't bother then!!

I shit you not, the highlight was them bringing a cute dog on stage for a Sims 4 expansion announcement lmao. EA should just quit doing press conferences and just show their shit at Sony's and Microsoft's shows.

poklane said:
VGPolyglot said:

I'm glad I didn't bother then!!

I shit you not, the highlight was them bringing a cute dog on stage for a Sims 4 expansion announcement lmao. EA should just quit doing press conferences and just show their shit at Sony's and Microsoft's shows.

Well, I guess they're going for the "any press is good press" route!

Xen said:
poklane said:

"PS4 ProPro"

"PS VitaSwitch"

...the big red cover suggests an accessory at least really...

Oooh, I know, a stronger network. 

Versus_Evil said:

4K indie games here i come c;

Yay!! Congrats!!!