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E3 Hype levels?

HYPE!!!! 4 25.00%
Pretty Excited 9 56.25%
Only a bit interested 3 18.75%
Not interested at all 0 0%
What is E3? 0 0%
gooch_destroyer said:
Does Sony 1st party games look and feel homogeneous to you?

Yes. Yes they do!

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gooch_destroyer said:
Does Sony 1st party games look and feel homogeneous to you?

Not all of them, but yeah, I could use some more variety. The more, the better!

Ka-pi96 said:
gooch_destroyer said:
Does Sony 1st party games look and feel homogeneous to you?

Not really.

Ubisoft games, now there's some that feel homogeneous. Sony's 1st party isn't even close to that!

Oh I don't know, their 2017 lineup has been so samey thus far. Gravity Rush 2, Horizon, MLB, Nioh, Wipeout, Drawn to Death, Locoroco, Parappa, That's You!, Farpoint... just no variety, man.

axumblade said:

Thanks! I added it to the OP :) 

Thank you.

Platinum for Crash Bandicoot 1!

17 Gold, 9 Platinum Relics.

It won't take nearly as long to do 2/3 I think.

Around the Network
Ka-pi96 said:

@those who've done it already, how did you manage the rope running on the bridge levels? I've tried it but I keep falling off (or not even landing on the rope in the first place )

Didn't bother with the ropes on the first bridge level, on high road it took a massive amount of practice before I could consistently get it right, but then you still have to do 7-ish sets of ropes in a row without screwing up.

Using the ropes I was just under 10 seconds faster than platinum and about 20 seconds faster then gold, so you really don't have to use them.

Ka-pi96 said:
Barkley said:

Didn't bother with the ropes on the first bridge level, on high road it took a massive amount of practice before I could consistently get it right, but then you still have to do 7-ish sets of ropes in a row without screwing up.

Using the ropes I was just under 10 seconds faster than platinum and about 20 seconds faster then gold, so you really don't have to use them.

It's not just about time though, those levels are seriously hard, and having to do them without dying...

Dunno if I can do that without the ropes, also can't do it with them yet though

Well it took me 3+ hours to do a full run with them, just keep at it, I'd imagine it'd take less time to practice a ropeless run but I may be wrong.

When you finish a level on Crash 2, and then realise you never even saw the crystal and only got the gem.

Ka-pi96 said:
Barkley said:

Didn't bother with the ropes on the first bridge level, on high road it took a massive amount of practice before I could consistently get it right, but then you still have to do 7-ish sets of ropes in a row without screwing up.

Using the ropes I was just under 10 seconds faster than platinum and about 20 seconds faster then gold, so you really don't have to use them.

It's not just about time though, those levels are seriously hard, and having to do them without dying...

Dunno if I can do that without the ropes, also can't do it with them yet though


Try moving directly into the rope and tapping the jump button - if you do it just right, Crash will hop on safely, at which point you can just press up on the D-pad without worry of slipping off. Now jumping from bridge section to bridge section can be tricky, since touching the posts between ropes can shunt you left/right and off the rope. All about getting used to the feel of the jumps and replicating them multiple times.

I haven't done speedrun of the levels yet, but RtN seems doable without ropes via practice. High Road didn't give as many problems beating it because the high turtle bounce gives you some time to aim your shadow for landing squarely on the rope.

White PS4Pro with Destiny 2 bundle announced:

Comes with a 1TB White PlayStation 4 Pro, Destiny 2, Destiny 2 Expansion Pass + Digital content pack for $449.99