Hey guys so VGP told me about the idea of posting reviews and I really liked it, so I'll be doing reviews for 3 of my favorite games this year. For now I'm gonna start with Nier: Automata, gonna try to keep it as short and concise as possible. Also, since english is not my first language any feedback in grammar and syntax will be appreciated.

Going into Nier: Automata I didn't know what to expect since I didn't play the previous games, I tried the demo and what I got from it was a great combat, really good music pieces and some other examples of the type of gameplay the game had to offer. That alone set a strong foundation and convinced me to buy it, and the final product easily surpassed those expectations.
Storywise the games hooks you from the beginning, but what makes it great is that it does an excellent job setting an atmosphere were you feel like things are not as simple as they are presented, and there will be a lot of surprises depending on far you want to go. The game comes with multiple endings, one for each letter of the alphabet, however the only endings that matter are A through E and the rest are more of a joke, though who says you can't just end the game with one of those.
Sidequests are so good I would really encourage everyone to do them, as the majority have really strong stories behind them that complement that feeling of unease the game sets. One in particular even foreshadows a twist that comes to play at the very end of the game. Not everything is all dark and grim though, you get really sweet and funny moments from the sidequests as well.
If you decide to see this through the end you'll get to play as 3 main characters, the strict with a high sense of duty 2B, the easy going and nerdy 9S and the badass and rebellious A2. All of them are great characters and their development and interactions between them and others is one of the highlights of the game.
The gameplay is probably the most drastic change Automata suffered as this time Platinum Games was in charge of it, and as you would expect from them it's a really fun, fast paced combat system with a good variety of weapons and combinations. To complement this you can customize your characters with chips you get through the game, which go from the basic increase attack and defense to advance techniques like slowing down time after a perfect dodge.
And last but not least the music, full of nothing but amazing tracks that have perfect synergy with the world, the story, the boss fights and the key character moments.
I really can't think of anything negative to say about this game so my score would be a 10/10. Those interested should definitely give it a try, even if you haven't played the previous ones you'll be able to get everything that happens in the game.