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E3 Hype levels?

HYPE!!!! 4 25.00%
Pretty Excited 9 56.25%
Only a bit interested 3 18.75%
Not interested at all 0 0%
What is E3? 0 0%

Around the Network

Detroit is my most anticipated game next year.

VGPolyglot said:
Oneeee-Chan!!! said:


So, are you planning on getting any of these games?

No, I 'm interested in that cuties .

Oneeee-Chan!!! said:
VGPolyglot said:

So, are you planning on getting any of these games?

No, I 'm interested in that cuties .

So, if you're interested in the cuties, wouldn't that mean you are planning on getting them?

VGPolyglot said:
Oneeee-Chan!!! said:

No, I 'm interested in that cuties .

So, if you're interested in the cuties, wouldn't that mean you are planning on getting them?

I am poor.

Around the Network
shikamaru317 said:
VGPolyglot said:
OK, since I got no responses, I guess I'm just going to go along with the Points League and hope that it drives discussion.

Sorry for not posting. I think you should do it. 

That's OK, I'm not mad

OK, so in introducing the Points League, I may end up doing a "Hall of Fame" as Nintendomination had. So, here is the list:


Arcturus - December 20th, 2017

He has been chosen for his great PlayStation Trophy League thread, which he has run for the past several years!


M.U.G.E.N - December 20th, 2017

Topic Creator of the PlayStation Vita thread, it has becoming the longest-running and most commented thread in the PlayStation sub-forums, with over 50,000 posts!


Kresnik - December 20th, 2017

Chosen for his large dedication and motivation to the PlayStation Vita thread, which he still currently updates, even in the tail end of the Vita's lifespan!


Pezus - February 8th, 2018

The the host of the original PlayStation Nation! Without him, who knows if I'd even be doing this right now.


Gooch_Destroyer - February 8th, 2018

The host of the second PlayStation Nation! He took the heavy task of replacing Pezus, and held the title for around 2 years.


Shadow8 - February 8th, 2018

The host of the second PlayStation Nation during its tail-end, and the host of the third PlayStation Nation. He took over when Gooch needed to step down!

Last edited by VGPolyglot - on 08 February 2018

OK, So I think I've come up with a points system for how this will be done:

Action Points
Get a friend to join VGC 10
Organize an online event/tournament 7
Make a PS-related thread 5
Facilitate positive communication with other fans 4
Post PS-related news 3
Participate in PS Nation events 2
Add your PSN 1


So guys, I'd appreciate some feedback/suggestions on this list, and how you guys think it'd work. Also, in order for me to add the points here, I need to be aware of it, so make sure to notify me if it's something that does not happen in this thread. Also, for the communication with other fans, I'm still not entirely sure how that will work out but I hope we can come up with something. Finally, for the thread to be counted it needs to include both a source, and your own input!! You can't just copy and paste it!

Dragon's Crown Pro's Battle-Hardened Edition is now available for pre-order. It includes a steelcase and seven collectable cards.