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E3 Hype levels?

HYPE!!!! 4 25.00%
Pretty Excited 9 56.25%
Only a bit interested 3 18.75%
Not interested at all 0 0%
What is E3? 0 0%

So guys, as you can see, the 4th post is still empty. Axum and I have been discussing what to do with that fourth post, and we're thinking of doing a section with game reviews, or a ranking with the top rated games, as chosen by you guys! We haven't worked out the exact details yet, but we were wondering if it was something that you guys were interested it?

Around the Network

So, Sony Japan's Senior Vice President Allan Becker has confirmed that Sony Japan is considering working on several new titles:

“Without having to state too much more, with Gravity Rush 2 finishing up and The Last Guardian finishing up, we reached this big milestone within Japan Studio, and so finally we feel like we’re free to do new things. We’re going to finish up Knack 2 as well, so, as for the internal team, they’re much more freed up, so we are thinking about starting up several new titles.”


So guys, what do you think they could be working on?

Who knows? Japan Studios are random as hell, and don't do sequels often. But their output is always interesting.

Got Crash! Liking it so far, although I'm only 9% in...">"><img src="

Slade6alpha said:
Got Crash! Liking it so far, although I'm only 9% in...

Yay!! I really want to get it myself, I loved the games. Which one did you start with? The first one I assume?

Around the Network
VGPolyglot said:
Slade6alpha said:
Got Crash! Liking it so far, although I'm only 9% in...

Yay!! I really want to get it myself, I loved the games. Which one did you start with? The first one I assume?

Yeah starting with the first one. Never actually played these games. Really hoping they give this treatment to Spyro... 

Spyro > Crash">"><img src="

Slade6alpha said:
VGPolyglot said:

Yay!! I really want to get it myself, I loved the games. Which one did you start with? The first one I assume?

Yeah starting with the first one. Never actually played these games. Really hoping they give this treatment to Spyro... 

Spyro > Crash

I hope so too! Though I was more of a Crash guy, and didn't originally have the Spyro games, so it'd definitely be cool seeing those revamped.

VGPolyglot said:
So guys, as you can see, the 4th post is still empty. Axum and I have been discussing what to do with that fourth post, and we're thinking of doing a section with game reviews, or a ranking with the top rated games, as chosen by you guys! We haven't worked out the exact details yet, but we were wondering if it was something that you guys were interested it?

This sounds good to me, in theory.  But, I think it only works if you're going to regularly poll the readership to see what the top rated games are.  Like, monthly or so.  

Slade6alpha said:
VGPolyglot said:

Yay!! I really want to get it myself, I loved the games. Which one did you start with? The first one I assume?

Yeah starting with the first one. Never actually played these games. Really hoping they give this treatment to Spyro... 

Spyro > Crash

I picked it up yesterday, but haven't started playing it yet.  I've been playing GTA 5 the last few days, and figure that if I start on Crash, that'll be it for GTA 5 for me.   I'm really looking forward to it though.  I loved the first Crash game back in the day.  I vaguely recall playing around with the other two games, but I don't think I put much time into either of them.  I certainly didn't finish them.  I very much enjoy platformers though, so I'm glad the opportunity has come along for me to get back into these classics.  

VGPolyglot said:

So, Sony Japan's Senior Vice President Allan Becker has confirmed that Sony Japan is considering working on several new titles:

“Without having to state too much more, with Gravity Rush 2 finishing up and The Last Guardian finishing up, we reached this big milestone within Japan Studio, and so finally we feel like we’re free to do new things. We’re going to finish up Knack 2 as well, so, as for the internal team, they’re much more freed up, so we are thinking about starting up several new titles.”


So guys, what do you think they could be working on?

I know a certain user wants them to make a certain game XD


Anyways as much as I want them to keep making Gravity Rush games till the end of times and beyond. It's really up to them now. I'd have them make JRPGS, have a go at making FPS and I really want to see a Japanese Hack n slash from Sony!!!


Bet with gooch_destroyer, he wins if FFX and FFX-2 will be at $40 each for the vita. I win if it dont

Sign up if you want to see God Eater 2 get localized!!