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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Four Reasons Why MS should go Bigger

I've ranted about this before, nice to see I'm not the only one who thinks that the new 360 HDD should go bigger then the rumoured 60 gig.

Here are the four reasons:

#1 Cheaper - "Interestingly, a quick price search shows that 250 GB drives are currently cheaper than 120 GB drives."

#2 HD DVD RIP -  "This was the high capacity content delivery system for the Xbox 360. Now that it has gone Microsoft say that they are not going to switch to BluRay, instead they are going to concentrate on downloading content."

#3 Profit -  "The more storage space someone has, the more content you can sell them. And there is vastly more profit to be made from selling the content of a hard drive than there is from selling the hard drive itself."

#4 Competitive advantage -  "By switching to downloadable content instead of physical media for distribution Microsoft can be seen to be more advanced than Sony", "By offering vastly bigger hard drives Microsoft can be seen to be offering a better product."

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You know when you get Spam e-mail offering to make your tackle bigger. And then it just keeps coming and you think my god if I could find the person that sends this stuff I would smack them so hard.

I imagine that is exactly how MS feels when everyone keeps saying ''You could make it bigger! Satisfy your userbase!''

Turkish says and I'm allowed to quote that: Uncharted 3 and God Of War 3 look better than Unreal Engine 4 games will or the tech demo does. Also the Naughty Dog PS3 ENGINE PLAYS better than the UE4 ENGINE.

60GB? I just bought a laptop with a 640GB (ok 2x320..) hard drive.


It's also a nice tick to have a specification that is higher than the competition.

I think it might have a point! 100-120 would be perfect! Do you realize how many people look at Specs and get the one with the bigger numbers?!!?!??!?! I worked at a computer store, omg do I know the ignorance.


Eh. As long as it's bigger.

But I would agree that both the 20gb Pro model needs an upgrade, and so does the 120gb on the Elite. If it could goto 60gb and 250gb....That'd be pretty good.

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.

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If they introduced a 1 terabyte hard drive then more content could be downloaded which is good for us and good for Microsoft. We could even be downloading full 360 games from the marketplace.

I saw a 750GB hard-drive the other day for $129, and I know Microsoft uses laptop hard-drives but it seems insane that they're charging $129 for 20GB and $220 for 120GB (all prices Canadian) ...

They should bring out larger harddrives and have an update that allows a person to do a full installs of a game on them (and on current harddrives as well).

You have some good reasons there. It would be only benefcial for MS to release a bigger HDD. I would suggest they go 320GB.

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Not sure if I agree with #1. I am sure Microsoft can get a 120GB drive for cheaper than they can get a 250GB drive.

The other 3 make sense, especially #2.

They still need smaller hard drives in the cheaper models to get you to pay more for the higher end models. I would hope for a 250GB in the high-end by the end of the year.