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Forums - Sports Discussion - NBA Finals Discussion- warriors clean up in five games, win it all 129-120

TH3-D0S3R said:
The problem I see for the Cavs in the future is their potential growth. LeBron in this Finals kinda feels like his age his showing, but on top of that, they have major role players aging as well in Jefferson, JR, Korver, and Frye, AND have major salary cap issues with Love, Thompson, and the constant upgrades giving LeBron a TON of cash. I could see this Cavs team falling downhill next year minus Love and Irving, and I'll make the prediction they won't make the Finals next year.

Unless major changes happen in the East. The Lebron led Cavs will be in the finals because the East is just that bad.

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The biggest problem with the Cavs is that most of their players, while definitely talented, are one dimensional. Williams, Korver, Channing Frye, and JR Smith, when their shots aren't falling they disappear, and they really on LeBron and Kyrie to get them most of their offense.
Love, while a great offensive player, isn't known for his defense, today's game being the outlier.
Tristan Thompson, a very good defender and SHOULD BE a great rebounder, his offense comes from catches 2-3 inches from the paint with good looks or open dunks.

The Cavs need to blow this team up this offseason, not add a new player or two, just blow up the entire team.
They need to get younger, more flexible players, guys who can produce in multiple ways, and guys who can grow and develop alongside Kyrie. Because LeBron isn't getting any younger, he's going to be 33 years old in December. We're seeing the end of his prime right now. The Cavs need to start giving the reigns of the franchise more to Kyrie, meanwhile, LeBron needs to step back and serve as a mentor to Kyrie in terms of leadership as well as help him develop his defensive game, because Kyrie, as well, is mostly one dimensional.
Because if they keep this same team intact, we're gonna be going through this all over again next year.

monocle_layton said:
I think this is a case of Cubs syndrome.

I feel like when the Cubs and Cavs won, they thought it'd be a breeze again, which has resulted in them didappointing us

I imagine that's some of it.  They're the team that did the impossible last year, so they lost some of the fear game 3 should have brought.  They also became over confident in their 3 shooting, failing to abandon it and take it to the paint when it won't fall.  Chasing the Warriors off the line is kinda pointless if you are going to waste your possessions.  Hopefully this gets the right response and the Cavs train their asses off and study tape of this finals until they see it in ther sleep.


And yeah, I suppose the Warriors organization is less what I hate.  I hate the fact some people have acted like this is the SAME Warriors from last year and now they're peoving the haters wrong or some such.  And I am not happy with the NBA who have blocked numerous moves and trades over the years due to them threatening the balance of the league but the second best player in the world joining a team that just went 73-9 and almost won the championship?  Nah, that'll worrk out fantastic for balance.  Allowing this inflated the Warrior's advantage even more and kneecapped one of the only alternative contenders there was.  

In my opinion, they need to trade Kevin Love. That contract is terrible, and for his position and playstyle, he just does not play good defense. He is the most disposable on that team. Other than that, Lebron needs to take a pay cut to get depth on his bench.

Dark_Lord_2008 said:
The series will go to 7 games and 4 straight wins to win 4-3. The Cavs are not finished yet!

I'd actually want to see a game 7 happen. The playoffs was so bad that I'm hoping for a great finals.

So far only one good game and the score is 3-0 ;-;

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TH3-D0S3R said:
In my opinion, they need to trade Kevin Love. That contract is terrible, and for his position and playstyle, he just does not play good defense. He is the most disposable on that team. Other than that, Lebron needs to take a pay cut to get depth on his bench.

I don't think that's possible. Lebron signed a 3 year $100 million contract (not sure about any Options) and you cannot restructure a contract in the NBA.


tiffac said:
TH3-D0S3R said:
In my opinion, they need to trade Kevin Love. That contract is terrible, and for his position and playstyle, he just does not play good defense. He is the most disposable on that team. Other than that, Lebron needs to take a pay cut to get depth on his bench.

I don't think that's possible. Lebron signed a 3 year $100 million contract (not sure about any Options) and you cannot restructure a contract in the NBA.


Lebron has an opt out clause that allows him to restructure his contract yearly. He's able to opt out whenever he wants, and since the salary cap goes up this year, he's likely to back out and demand more $$$.

In which case, they'll be in EXACTLY the same spot they are right now next year.
If you want to win, you've got to sacrifice. If LeBron wants to overcome these Warriors and ascend the NBA's ladder of Greatness, he's gonna have to take a big hit in his wallet and be willing to bring in some difference makers. 
Seeing as how he was adament about JR Smith, Tristan Thompson, and Kevin Love getting those contracts, it's gonna have to be him.

TH3-D0S3R said:
tiffac said:

I don't think that's possible. Lebron signed a 3 year $100 million contract (not sure about any Options) and you cannot restructure a contract in the NBA.


Lebron has an opt out clause that allows him to restructure his contract yearly. He's able to opt out whenever he wants, and since the salary cap goes up this year, he's likely to back out and demand more $$$.

So he opts out to get more money? Lol!

How can the NBA allow such a contract? 😂

Dark_Lord_2008 said:
The series will go to 7 games and 4 straight wins to win 4-3. The Cavs are not finished yet!





