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Forums - Sports Discussion - NBA Finals Discussion- warriors clean up in five games, win it all 129-120

FINALLY, we have a close game!

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Lebron has 27 points, 4 rebounds, and 6 assists in 28 minutes

Even LeBron has to be reminded that he's human. This Warriors team is too good to be beaten alone. Teamwork is helping them not be blown out

Like I said, that home crowd is serving to be EXACTLY the spark plug Cleveland has needed.
Everything is going their way, meanwhile, Golden State has gone Ice Cold.

Still a close game. This'll determine the legacies of MANY players

Will LeBron's legacy be damaged? Or will Green/Curry/Klay/Durant be embarrassed?

monocle_layton said:
Still a close game. This'll determine the legacies of MANY players

Will LeBron's legacy be damaged? Or will Green/Curry/Klay/Durant be embarrassed?

Well imo, LeBron and the Cavs have little to prove here.  If it was the same GSW, maybe.  But this is that team - already famous (or notorious) for how talent rich it was - plus the second best player in the world.  Possibly the most talent rich team in...shoot decades.  The Warriors have to win this series or it would be a massive embarrassment. 

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The cavs had so many chances for a bigger lead, but they had a lot of bad shots

Also, let's hope Kevin Love hasn't injured himself

monocle_layton said:
The cavs had so many chances for a bigger lead, but they had a lot of bad shots

Also, let's hope Kevin Love hasn't injured himself

Yeah and Cury should NEVER have this many rebounds against the Cavs.  Heis the smallest guy on the court.  

Nuvendil said:
monocle_layton said:
The cavs had so many chances for a bigger lead, but they had a lot of bad shots

Also, let's hope Kevin Love hasn't injured himself

Yeah and Cury should NEVER have this many rebounds against the Cavs.  Heis the smallest guy on the court.  

The Cavs have disgusted me. What an awful 4th quarter


Literally had so many chances to run away with a 2-1 win. Watch them dribble for too long and then chuck up a bad three 


Did Golden State win yet? I don't get involved in basket ball usually, but I have 10 bucks that they win.

Made a bet with LipeJJ and HylianYoshi that the XB1 will reach 30 million before Wii U reaches 15 million. Loser has to get avatar picked by winner for 6 months (or if I lose, either 6 months avatar control for both Lipe and Hylian, or my patrick avatar comes back forever).